Two Months in London (Part Four)

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The hotel isn't new, by any means, nor is it tall: Courtney's room on level 5 is only one level below the penthouse. It is incredibly fancy, though, and Shayne watches nerves play out across his face in the gilded antique mirror against the back wall of the elevator as it ascends a little slower than he's used to. His heart beats heavily in his chest, and he takes a shaking breath when the elevator stops as he turns to step out into the hallway.

His mind had started to run off on him, but as he steps out, he's immediately hit by a strange sense of familiarity. He hasn't been here before in the slightest, but amongst four weeks of texted photos and calls that sometimes kept going as she moved up the hallway on her way to work, he's seen it enough to recognise it. Enough that, instead of worrying that she'll somehow be annoyed at the enormity of what he's done and the little lie he told her on the way, he's simply desperate to hold her.

Shayne knows the key he's holding could let him into her suite, but instead he slides it back into his pocket when he reaches her door, raising his fist to knock three times.

He hears shuffling steps inside within a few seconds, quietly trying to regulate his breathing as he waits. The steps pause at the door, for a moment, and he figures she'll be peering through the small peephole, having not expected anyone. His guess is confirmed only a moment later, the door flung open almost violently to reveal his wife staring at him in disbelief.

"Shayne?!" she says his name with a jumble of confusion, surprise, excitement, and reverence, and he feels like his own heart is exploding as tears immediately prick at his eyes.

"Hi love," he whispers, in response, watching her burst into tears at the same time she reaches for him. He has no desire to resist - he's not sure how he managed even the last ten seconds without racing at her - and he surges forward, managing to move into the room and tug his suitcase in with him before he lets everything else fall aside as his arms wrap tightly around Courtney, face buried against her neck. He shamelessly inhales, letting himself breathe her in as he feels her pressing ever closer to him, until he's lifting her up and her legs are wrapping around him, too. Shayne can feel her tears pressing against his neck, but he knows his are doing just the same as he lets himself hold her as close as he can manage.

"I- how- what are- you're here," Courtney mumbles, between sobs, her voice filled with relief more than sadness. It takes him a moment to find the words, too, gripping at her back as he does.

"I'm here, baby. I'm sorry I lied last night, I- I'm off work all week because the studio got damaged in a storm. I got the first flight I could, I couldn't call you because I was at the airport," he explains, a little messily, but all she does in response is nuzzle her head even further against his neck.

He doesn't know how long she stays wrapped around him, but eventually she relaxes her legs back to stand up herself. She loosens her hold on him ever so slightly as she does, eyes flicking open to lock with his own as one hand drifts upwards to cup his cheek. Her thumb strokes along his cheekbone, wiping away the tears collected with a softness and intimacy that makes him feel like he's floating.

"I don't want to be excited your studio got ruined but I'm- I'm so happy you're here. I've... it's been getting harder for me, too," she admits in a whisper just loud enough for him to hear, "but now I'm holding you again everything is okay."

"Everything is okay now," he agrees, echoing her in a whisper just as soft. He shuffles back close to her, again, tilting his head forward so his forehead leans against hers and his nose brushes the side of her own. He pauses with his lips a breath away from her own, intending to wait only long enough for Courtney to give some kind of assent. Her approval, instead, comes in the form of her immediately closing the final distance to press her lips against his.

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