Is Marsh From Mars? - Part One

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BEFORE YOU READ: This episode is based on Camp Lazlo S1E1b: Bean Scouts are from Mars

"Attention, Gem Scouts!" Scoutmaster MePhone spoke up in front of the many scouts. They were all in the mess hall doing a health lesson... for some reason.

"I would like one of the cabins to demonstrate what we learned today." MePhone switched positions on the patio chair he was sitting on.

Lightbulb and Fan immediately raised their hands, leaving Paintbrush and Test Tube to look at them, but not before their friends forcefully raised their hands, too.

MePhone looked around. "How about the Donut Cabin?"

No response.

"Caramel Cabin?"

"Look, if you want us to help, then maybe take a look at the Cookie Cabin!" Silver Spoon, leader of the Caramel Cabin, pointed to the Cookie Quartet bouncing up and down on their seats with their hands raised.

MePhone looked Lightbulb and Fan smiling, then darted his eyes to Marshmallow, who was reading a book, instead. "How about the Taffy Cabin?"

"Ooh!" Bow jumped up from her seat. "We got chosen for something! C'mon, Marsh!"

Bow led Marshmallow, Apple, and Dough to the front of the assembly. "Gem Scout Bow reporting for duty!" The pink ribbon saluted.

"Mr. Flake has a stomachache, what will you do?" MePhone handed the group a dummy the size of a doll.

"EVERYONE STAND BACK!" Bow yelled as she placed the dummy on the ground. "APPLE, PERFORM CPR!"

"On it!" Apple got down to her knees and performed CPR on the dummy.


Marshmallow shook the dummy's face. "Pretty googly, I guess!" Then its eyes fell off.


Dough sat down at a random piano, stretched his fingers, and started playing dramatic music.

As Bow, Marshmallow, and Apple tried to "fix" the dummy, they ended up ripping it apart.

"Sir, maybe we should've picked the Vanilla Cabin Scouts, they've got someone pretty good at health problems." MePad suggested to MePhone.


"Enough!" MePhone stood up from his chair. "Assembly over! Everyone dismissed! The Taffy Cabin is free to take Mr. Flake to their cabin." He walked over to the mess hall exit with his assistants following.

As everyone dispersed, Lightbulb and Fan walked up to the Taffy Quartet.

"Wanna try fixing that with us?" Lightbulb asked Marshmallow.

"No thanks, I think I got it under control!" Marshmallow chuckled.

"Well, if you need me, feel free to send a paper airplane message!" Lightbulb waved to Marshmallow as she walked off with her friends, leaving the Taffy Quartet alone.

"Come on, Marsh," Bow grabbed her friend's arm and dragged her off, with Apple following them. "There's better things to do besides standing here. Oh, and you can stop playing dramatic piano music now, Dough!"


As Bow and Apple were playing with Mr. Flake in an attempt to fix him, Marshmallow tried to snatch the dummy off of her friends' hands.

"Guys, stop playing!" Marshmallow yelled at them. "You're gonna break it even more!"

"Says who?" Bow replied sassily.

"Apple!" Marshmallow slid over to her best friend. "We're childhood friends! Maybe you can help me?"

"What does 'childhood' mean?" Apple asked as she threw around the dummy.

"That's it!" Marshmallow had it. "I'm taking a break from this place!" She stormed out of the cabin and slammed the door.

"Geez, what's her problem?" Bow was the first to speak up.


"What a bunch of idiots..." Marshmallow mumbled to herself.

She walked around the forest and eventually found a log to sit on. "If only I could do something about it..."

Sitting down caused a small spark to appear from her.

"Huh, that's weird." Marshmallow stood up.

She rubbed her elbow on the log, causing electric friction, as if this story needed a plot point to move forward.

"Cool!" Marshmallow looked at her glowing hands. "This might be perfect!"

Meanwhile, a group of Spice Scouts were sitting by a campfire near Marshmallow. It was already sunset by now.

"Isn't it weird that that Marshmallow is doing that frictiony thing?" Kumquat asked the group.

"It's interesting, too!" Shell adjusted their glasses. "Because in the novel I'm reading, here, objects made of gelatin are considered to be aliens!"

"Isn't Marshmallow made from gelatin?" Hay Bale asked.

Shell nodded in response.

Kumquat gasped. "So I guess that means..." The scouts snuck over to where Marshmallow was sitting.

"SHE IS AN ALIEN!" The Spice Scouts yelled, which caused Marshmallow to jump from fright.

"What?! No I'm not!" Marshmallow said, confused.

"Then why are you making static electricity using yourself?" Bandana asked.

"Uh..." Marshmallow looked around, then ran away from the Spice Scouts. She needed help, fast!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2022 ⏰

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