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(the italics either mean it's they're thoughts or flashbacks)

"Can we at least talk about this"
said Tamara as she followed her down the stairs
" what's been decided has been decided Tamara" said tiana
"what's has been decided.....ok, at least give me one good reason why we have to move" she said angrily folding her arms
"because father said so" came the sharp reply from tiana
" because father said so, wow now that is a one of a kind reason to ruin my life tiana really because father said so" she said in a mocking tone
" this is where we grew up tia, and you're ok with just up.and leaving"
"this hurt me as much as it hurts you mara" she said while  packing up the remaining stuff in the house.
"you don't show it." said Tamara
" oh,I'm sorry and what would you have me do to show how devastated I am mara" she said with irritation clear in her voice. she wasn't annoyed with Tamara she was just annoyed she couldn't just accept the fact that their moving and nothing she said or did would change that.
"oh I don't know, maybe you could refuse to move, we could work this out on our own tiana, and I'm sure mom left us something I'm sure of it we just need to go to the court,make a case of inheritance and prob........"
" and problem solved, you really think it's that easy don't you!" she said cutting Tamara off harshly
"yes I actually do think it's that easy cause it is supposed to be that easy!"
she said raising her voice as well
turning from what she was doing tiana turned to her with a hard look on her face " mom didn't leave us anything Tamara nothing at all don't you get it we have been leaving solemnly on aunt kiana and uncle jay so mara to at least take a little of that weight off of them we should stay with father he said he would sponsor us totally, meaning we won't trouble auntie and uncle anymore and they can finally pay enough attention on their own family mara" she said with desperation clear on her face.
"they never complained that we were a burden and mom worked so hard each day of her life, I'm sure she left us something. it can't be right if she didn't" she said the last sentence more to herself . coming to the terms that their mother left nothing to them didn't seem right to her and the pain of it didn't help her current issue either.
walking up to the door and turning the handle tiana looked back at tamara and said " they don't need to say it before you know tamara , and I'm sorry but didn't leave us anything and yes she worked her self out but that doesn't mean she was heaping up a fortune. but if you really want to help in this moving, then please pack up your bags and be ready before the car gets here" she said walking out and slamming the door shut, indicating the conversation over and the decision final.she stood there not moving a muscle trying to pull together what was just thrown at her and coming to the realization that she couldn't run away from that man that was supposed to be called her father, it pained just thinking of breathing the same air as him,she was at a dead end with fighting tiana, her mind was made up, but what didn't make sense was when did this whole agreement happen? how didn't she know, it didn't make sense at all for she knew tiana hasn't seen their father for five straight years or so she thought, and even if they had spoken for so long   that they had an agreement why wasn't she part of it?
it was her life that was transforming right in front of her eyes and she just flowed with it as if in a trance and that was just plain unfair.
she thought of some one who could talk sense into tiana and make her change her mind and she knew just who to call, turning she jogged up the stairs and entered her once decorated room, to a now bear cream painted walls and searched for her phone finding it in a heap of clothes scattered on her bed that she needed folding and putting it away before tiana got back but rolling her eyes she decided to take care of it after this call that is if she would even need to pack after this, she thought smiling to herself and calling her only person she could rely on when tiana let her down which actually happens occasionally. there was the buzzing first then a dig that was followed by the familiar voice of her aunt kiana
" Tamara my girl, how are you and your sister" said kiana her voice laced with joy and surprise to hear her niece
"not the best auntie" came her sadden  reply
"what's the matter?" kiana said   concerned
" tiana and I are moving, and not just to anywhere but to go live with AlexanderQuill can you imagine that of all the people in the world, him!"
she said with a heavy heart as all the frustration was let out. there was silence at the other end,the only thing that showed that kiana was still there was her breathing.
" auntie, AUNTIE!"said Tamara rising her voice when kiana hadn't answered the first call
"I'm still here mara" came the tired reply
"did you hear anything that I just
said" said Tamara
"I did" came the short reply
"and you don't have anything to say about it" she said as her throat  closed up and her eyes welled up with tears,something was up and she knew her aunt was in on it,
"do you know anything about the packing" she said as she looked up.so as to try and stop the tears from rolling down
"tama..." started kiana before she was cut off
" just answer the question" said Tamara
"yes" came the single reply that made the tears she held in spill down her cheeks.
"now that was a plot twist" she said as more tears rolled down as she  tried controlling her breathing
" well this is jolly, look at me calling you so that possibly you could talk to tiana and solve this stupid problem, not knowing you knew all along and consented to it without bothering to tell me. wow! auntie you and tiana deserve a prize for such acting skills, remarkable." she said in a pained tone that was laced with artificial joy
" mara please calm down, and just pack up your bags and for once listen to your sister, she just wants what's best for you as do I and your uncle"
"did she just say that"
"so the best for me is ruining my life and sending me to the butcher shop really that's the best for me" she said with frustration in her words
" what butcher shop? living with your father is not the butcher shop mara, he is your father and he would never hurt you" said kiana
is everyone high on something or what this is ALEXZANDER QUILL! their talking about not some kind hearted angel who could never hurt anyone but mr Quill the man that deserted her mother, herself and tiana when they needed him the most without giving it a second thought and now everyone is acting like that never happened and it was just a little misunderstanding .
"auntie" said Tamara as if not believing what she just heard from her aunt
" please Tamara don't be difficult and just do the right thing and agree with tiana so everything can go smoothly,I'll check on both of you later alright" said kiana pausing to hear a reply from her but when she heard nothing she signed and continued to speak
" I love you very much mara and only want the best for you  and so does tiana,be a good girl, I'm hanging up"
then there was the ding that emphasized that no one was on the  other end,
accepting her faith she walked to her bed and started folding up her clothes and dropping them into a suitcase that was already opened earlier and already had some clothes that were folded and put into.
tears were still rolling down her cheeks as she folded, there was nothing she could do to change her fate so what was the point of arguing in vain nothing could be done not with aunt kiana knowing fully well of the Stupid agreement and also consented in keeping it a secret from her just as tiana had. so knowing that the only thing she could do was weep then she chose to cry to her hearts content..............

WELL then, that's the first chapter of
"NAMELESS" and I hope you enjoyed it cause I enjoyed writing it.🙂
anywhoooo. Thank you again for checking it out and giving
The amazing world of NAMELES a chance.
and if you made it dis far don't forget to vote and comment 😍
thanks again

And would you rather of the day

would you rather be in
Adventure Time
   for a day
Regular Show for a day
see you in the next chapter


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