Movies are cool

43 2 9

It was after practice and everyone was cleaning up. You were helping Rei put the balls away into the storage room while everyone else were putting away the nets and towels. You had just finished placing the last ball in and when you turned to leave you found a person right beside you, their hand on your shoulder.

"Oh! Asahi, I didn't see you there" you said with surprise, turning and looking at the tall boy that stood there. He gave a small smile in response and you could feel butterflies form inside of you."Sorry if I startled you, I wanted to know if you were ready to leave" he asked softly. You smiled "yeah sure! Just give me a minute."

Asahi nodded and pulled his hand away from your shoulder before heading back over to where the rest of the team was packing things away. You took a deep breath trying to keep yourself calm as you waited for Rei to return so you could go home.

After a few minutes of waiting your eyes drifted to Asahi, watching him as he cleaned the net on the floor, you couldn't help but admire how strong he looked, how hardworking, how amazing.

You weren't sure how long you'd been staring but he finally turned to look at you causing you to jump slightly. "Y/n, what are you looking at?" Noya joked.

Your cheeks started to heat up and you felt your face start to turn red as well. "Nothing! Just admiring the floor, It's so clean!!" you said quickly, trying to change the topic of conversation.

Everyone chuckled at this and continued to pack their stuff up.

Asahi came over to you again "ready to go?" He asked. You nodded and grabbed all of your stuff, quickly following him outside. The cool air hit your body and you instantly relaxed, the tension you felt disappearing the more comfortable you got.

Rei came outside shortly after Asahi. You waved goodbye to Suga and Daichi as they were leaving before hurrying to catch up to Asahi. As soon as you arrived at his side and began walking you bumped shoulders and he turned to give you a sheepish smile.

Before either of you could say anything Rei spoke up, "Hey guys!! Come here!!" She called out from behind you.

Both of you turned to her and saw her holding something in her hand. You and Asahi made your way over to Rei to see what she was holding. It was something small, black and extremely shiny.

"What is it?" you asked curiously. Rei held it up for both of you to see. "This thing is a rock!" She exclaimed cheerfully. Asahi reached out and took it from her hand to examine it himself.

"Wow! It really is a rock, I wonder why its so shiny" he said in disbelief. Rei giggled and then handed you a piece. You accepted it hesitantly as Asahi watched you. "Here you go Y/n, hold it" she instructed.

You did as instructed and held the rock in front of you, you felt its smoothness under your fingers, you were amazed by the rock and slightly smiled at it. You looked up and noticed that Rei and Asahi were smiling at you.

"Well now we can go home!!" Rei exclaimed excitedly. You smiled back at her and nodded.

The three of you headed off to your home, chatting animatedly. Asahi and you kept stealing glances at each other until finally one of you decided to speak up.

"So what do you like to watch?" you asked as you walked. He shrugged and scratched the back of his neck "I guess movies. I mean most days I get to watch one sometimes two or even three but mostly I just watch some anime and watch tv" he explained.

You nodded in understanding and continued on
until you reached your house. When you reached the door, it was already unlocked.

You glanced at Rei and she understood immediately. You slowly entered the dark house with Asahi and Rei following close behind.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2022 ⏰

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