Chapter 2

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(A/N: Just a few things. 1. The photo above is the finished product of River's room. 2. River's room is on the second floor of the house. 3. Jeremy's house has four floors, counting the basement. 4. Each floor has its own purpose, the main floor is for the living room, kitchen, and dining room. The second floor is for the 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. The third floor is for their personal gym. The basement is a gaming room and lounge for Marcus.)

(River's POV)

When I got home after getting more furniture with Jeremy, I'll admit that we get along pretty well. Took a little bit of convincing, but he's not calling me Rivera anymore, so that's a plus. He also isn't too deranged, but he's still marrying my mother, so he's at least a little deranged. The only part where we didn't get along was when he asked about my dad. I've never told anyone about him and what he did after I turned five, and Jeremy will definitely not be the first.

Once me and Jeremy finished decorating my room Jeremy left to let me take a shower. After my shower he said we were all going to have dinner together downstairs and talk about boundaries and rules. It'll probably be something along the lines of me doing everything and Marcus sitting on his lazy ass like he's probably used to doing.

After my shower, I get dressed into my usual outfit which is blue jean shorts and a dark crop top with high top black platform Converse. When I get downstairs my mom and Jeremy are already at the table whereas Marcus is nowhere to be found.

"Why are you wearing that? Are you trying to get all the men's attention already?" My mom scolded, looking at me with her usual look of disgust. She only gives that look to me, for some odd reason.

"Calm down, Daniella. What River is wearing is appropriate for her age. I've seen girls her age wear worse." Jeremy puts his hand on mom's shoulder and she gives him a fake smile, which he obviously saw as genuine.

"So, what's for dinner?" I hear a voice behind me say. I turn around to see Marcus, in the same clothes as yesterday. Typical teenage boy. He grabs a chair and sits down, so I do the same.

"Just some simple grilled cheese sandwiches. If you would be kind enough to grab them, Marcus." Jeremy gestures for Marcus to go get the plate of the counter. Marcus rolls his eyes but gets up and grabs the sandwiches anyway. "So River, what do you like to do?"

"I like to listen to music, play my guitar, sleep, and a lot of other things I'm sure." I say, leaning back in my chair to look under the table at my shoes.

"That's nice. Marcus plays guitar as well." As Jeremy says that, Marcus walks back into the dining room. "What kind of guitar do you play again, Marcus?"

"It's a fender mustang. I mainly play indie, surf, and punk rock. What kind do you play?" Marcus looks at me with a look I have never seen before. Interest in what I have to say. That look doesn't last long though.

"It's just a regular acoustic guitar. Nothing special." I say, looking him in the eye. The interest in his face instantly disappeared after I finished. The new look was annoyance, I think.

"I should have thought that. You seem like an acoustic person." He says while grabbing a sandwich and taking a bite.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I say, cocking my head and crossing my arms.

"Just like you said. Nothing special." He says with his mouth full. Then he has the nerve to give me a smug smile.

"Okay, you two. That's enough quarreling for one day." Jeremy says. "Daniella, you've been awfully quiet. What's on your mind?"

"Yes, mother, what's on your mind?" I say in the fakest way possible. One thing I got from my mother was how to be fake and make people think you're being genuine.

My mom looks at me with a distant look in her eye. "Nothing. Just how we all seem like a family already, and how Jeremy took us into his lovely home." She reached over and took Jeremy's hand and smiled at him with a dreamy look on her face. I've never seen that look either.

"Of course, sweety! You and River are family. Right Marcus?" Jeremy looks at Marcus, who's looking at me.

Marcus turns to Jeremy with a cold look in his eyes. "Right." The way he said it made it sound forced and like he didn't believe it.

Obviously it was good enough for Jeremy, who smiled at him and grabbed a grilled cheese. My mom reached to grab one as well. I wasn't too hungry, but I grabbed one anyway. I turned to see that Marcus had already finished his and he was staring into space.

Once we all finished dinner, Jeremy suggested that we go sit in the living room to discuss rules. He only had three, surprisingly. Rule one was try to be kind. He knew siblings don't get along sometimes, but he told us to at least try. I don't think me or Marcus will follow that rule very well. Rule two was always tell the truth. Even if we were going to get in serious trouble, we have to tell the truth. Jeremy looked at Marcus for that part, who just rolled his eyes. Rule three was to allow the other people in the house their own space. They're all kindergarten rules if you ask me, but Jeremy doesn't seem to realize that. Or he just doesn't care.

When Jeremy was done explaining the rules, I headed up to my room just to relax. I don't usually fall asleep until about midnight or one in the morning, at the earliest. As I shut my door, I turned on my music and plopped down on my bed.

As I was just starting to relax I hear my door open. I look up and it's Marcus.

"Haven't you ever heard of knocking?" I say, looking at him with an annoyed look on my face.

"Yes. I just didn't want to." Marcus says, walking in and shutting my door behind him. He sits down in my desk chair and looks around. "I like what you've done with your room. It really gives off that gothy vibe. Like you." He gives me a fake smile and I give one back, not trying to make it look genuine.

"What do you want, step brother?" I say, sitting up and giving him a skeptical look.

"What, I can't just come into my step sister's room?" Marcus gives me a hurt look, which was obviously fake.

"No. You can't. I could've been naked." I say.

"Cool, I'd get finally get some entertainment from you." He says with a smile.

"Do really have no respect for anyone but yourself? Or is this tough guy thing you've got going on just an act? Because if it is, it's not very original. In fact it's pretty basic." Before I knew what was happening I was being shoved onto my bed with Marcus' hand around my throat.

"Don't you ever call me basic. Do you understand me?" He says with a menacing growl in his voice. Before I could stop it a tear fell down my face, which caused Marcus to chuckle. "I think the one who's acting is you." He whispers into my ear and then gets off me. "Watch your back, Rivera." He says as he walks out.

You're the one who should be watching your back, I think. I'm not scared of you. You'll find out soon enough who should be scared of who.

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