Gardenia Ebonveil

                                                                                        Year 174 AC

"Maximillion Ebonveil has been born! When he has come of age, he will take the place of Lady Gardenia Ebonveil." 

Gardenia watched from her sleeping chamber's balcony as a small part of the high village gathered around the man announcing her brothers birth. She didn't understand why her younger brother whom had been born twelve years after her got to be the next ruler of Eventide. She could not comprehend the amount of nonsense the royal lineage was. 

Gardenia turned around, back facing the people and walked back into her sleeping chamber. She sat down on her bed, making sure her gown didn't wrinkle under her and grabbed a book from her bed side table. The story she was reading was about dragons, and fulfilling  adventures. Gardenia could only dream of what lay beyond the castle town, for she was not allowed to leave. 

"Lady Gardenia, supper is ready." Said Sonja, the old maid who had worked for the Ebonveil family for most of her life. 

Gardenia had only nodded in response. When Sonja closed the door, Gardenia gently closed her book and set it down onto her matress. 


"Gardenia Yvonna Ebonveil!" Called Gardenia's father, sounding furious with her. 

"Yes father?" She replied, slightly scared. The dark look in his icy blue eyes and his furrowed brows told her that she was most likely in trouble. 

He sighed, and pinched the bridge of his nose as a way to try and compose himself. "Please go change into a nice gown. There will be guests and we need you to look as prestine as a porcelain doll." 

Gardenia bowed and began walking up the stone staircase back to the highest point of the castle. Her father had done that for a reason. He wanted her as far away from society. He's quite protective of her, yet he had no time to spend with Gardenia. 

The gown she had picked out was black, reaching down to the floor. It had glimmering silver accents at the bottom of the gown that speckled up. The dress represented her house colors. She knew her mother and father would be wearing clothes similar. 

When her father says "We will be having guests", he means at least three to seven of the thirteen houses stretched across Valdronia and small parts of Aureumn. Gardenia's house was the second largest in the region. 

"Aunt Birlyn, does this look sufficient?" Gardenia asked, doing a small twirl. 

"You look wonderful, 'Nia." She responded, brushing a lock of blonde hair behind her ear. "Now, go meet your mother and father in the ball room." 

Gardenia bowed, and walked through the long corridor, heading to the ball room. The doors were open, revealing the servants, running around preparing everything for the ball. Her mother and father were standing in the middle of the ball room, discussing something with Agyfen, the head servant. 

Queen Lluvia was the first to notice Gardenia. After looking her up, and then down, her eyes started watering. She slowely walked over to her daughter, making sure not to trip over her dress. Gardenia stayed in place, as she looked up at her mother. 

"You look beautiful." Lluvia said, stroking Gardenia's hair ever so slightly. "Now, shall we go over to your father to talk about this party?" She continued, holding out her elbow. Gardenia linked arms with her mother and walked over to the king. 


Gardenia had run out of the ballroom and into the gardens, to process the information. 

'It's not fair! I don't want to get married to a man not of my choice.'  she thought, drawing her eyebrows together, confused. 


Later on in the evening, Gardenia put on a black and red dress that was short enough to not get caught on anything, but long enough to keep her warm along with a cloak and boots. She planned on running away to the near village. The maids were asleep, and she knew how to sneak past the guards. Her light steps made the tiniest sounds that none would ever hear, and she moved swiftly. The cold midnight breeze hit her, and sent a shiver up her spine. 

She ran down the long and winding path cobblestone road that led to the village. Her heart lept when she saw the beautiful lights of the village. Gardenia walked down the main street and looked at all the shops, amazed and curious. She looked up, to see boys her age jumping from rooftop to rooftop. 

Her attention was drawn from the bustling shops to a boy looking at her from a sitting area outside a cafe. His brown, wavy hair fell into his eyes, which where a bright green. He had a beauty mark above his lip on the right side, and it made him look majestic. Like an angel. His slightly tanned skin was so different from hers. She looked a different race, though they were the same. Valdronian. 

Gardenia pulled her hood over her head, embarassed and tried to walk off but something was stopping her. She was stuck in a man's grasp. His arm was wrapped around her waist, locking her in place. 

"Excuse me sir, will you please let me go?" Gardenia asked in a kind manner. 

"Nē! Tu esi pārāk skaista. Es domāju, ka es tevi paturēšu!" He replied. 

He was a traveler. The language sounded like Roshcosian. Gardenia started struggling against the man's strong grasp, clawing and kicking. He only held her tighter. 

"Atvainojiet, vai jūs, lūdzu, varat viņu palaist? Viņa ir mana māsa, un viņa tikai klaiņoja pa pilsētu. Mans tēvs ir karaļa pēcnācējs, un jums nepatiktu, ja es viņam par to pastāstītu... vai ne?" An angelic male's voice danced through Gardenia's ears. 

Instantly, the traveler released the scared princess and ran off. 

"Thank you so much!" Gardenia exclaimed, looking to her savior, only to realize it was the boy she was looking at earlier. 

He smiled, looking down at her. "You're welcome. Would you like to come inside?" 


They walked into a small cottage, housed behind the shop the boy was sitting infront of earlier. It was made of brick, with ivy and moss growing up and over it. The lanterns lighting the front porch lit the little house up wonderfully. 

"Mother, I've brought in a girl. She seems to have run away." The boy announced, placing his hand on her shoulder. 

"Oh dear," Called a woman's hurried voice. 

Soon standing before Gardenia was a short, plump woman. In her hands was a blanket, and tea kettle, which was steaming. 

"Come, let me get you something warm to drink. It's quite cold during the night in these parts." 

Gardenia nodded and followed the woman into a cozy kitchen. 


Thank you so much for reading this story! It means a lot haha. I hope you liked it <3 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2022 ⏰

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