man im tired as fu-

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note: Paimon has more of a child-like attitude here than in the original.

You teach Paimon for the rest of the week, even if you were tired because you didn't want Paimon to fail the entrance exam. You also had to work 2 shifts for the café. You worked an extra 1 shift for the money. (You had Barbara take care of her while you were gone).

You were extremely tired. But at last, the entrance exam came. You were praying to the Gods- I mean Archons that she would pass. If she didn't, you would just pass away right then and there. After 20 minutes, you saw her running to you, not in a sad way, thankfully. More in a happy way instead

"Mama, mama! The lady said I passed!" She said proudly, and happily of course.

'Thank the archons she passed...'

"Congrats! I'm so happy for you!" You said, smiling widely.

"Do you want something? Just not anything expensive though..." You said.

"Yes! I want- Uh..." She was still thinking, pressing a finger on her chin. You were hoping it was something you could afford.

"Umm... A cupcake? Chocolate flavor!" She said gleefully. You sighed with relief. It was something you could afford. But other than that, you needed to buy her a lot of stuff... You need to provide school funds, pack snacks for her break time, a bag for her to carry things and much, much more. 

Damn bro, life's getting hard. Your not even in your 20's yet.

The school funds were bearable, but they would only get more and more expensive as she grows older. You already had snacks at home, you could give her your old bag, let her borrow pencils, erasers and sharpeners. I guess it was sort of okay, you still needed to buy books for her though.

But there was another problem. There was a concert of 5WIRL's new song, and before you had Paimon, you would naturally be saving up as a big fan of them, but now that Paimon's here... You didn't know if you were going this time. 

You were sure that it would be expensive, they had a lot of fans, and tickets would sell out 1-2 days after. Maybe watching a video posted by someone? No, last time you saw one, you got dizzy from all the shaking the camera had, and the song was even COVERED by the screams of the recorder. 

Bad experience, 1/10.

You sighed, you probably weren't going. I mean it's not that bad, it's just missing one concert. You can still listen to their song posted on YouTube. But it was still sad you couldn't go. Oh well. Enough of that, let's continue the story.

School was starting next week, you had to prepare. You went to the nearest store with Paimon. She had to walk, which was quite hard but got used to it quickly. You bought her cupcake, and you both walked to another store, where you could buy books. You started with notebooks. 50 mora each notebook made you shudder at the thought.

To your horror, you were right. 50. Mora. Each. Notebook. You wanted to scream but you couldn't. Paimon had Science, Language, Reading, Math and History. PE didn't count. So basically, you had to spend 250. It wasn't much but still... Every mora counts you know.

You bought the notebooks and sighed, you still have to buy books. You went to another store and bought the requirements, sighing as you were getting broker and broker.

You were also thinking about the post 5WIRL made, which was a post about a concert and them visiting a school, which wasn't weird because last year they did the same before traveling for another concert. 

They didn't say which school though.

You were silently hoping it was the school you worked at as you went to another store to buy Paimon new clothes. You let her choose, and she chose a pink, blue and white shirt with words and patterns, and 2 shorts. You paid 900.

The mora is disappearing.

The school would provide the uniform, but you still have to pay 100 mora. You sighed even longer just thinking about it. You walked home with Paimon while carrying the stuff. God damn, it was heavy as fuck. You unpacked the stuff and plopped on your bed.

"School sounds complicated. Plus, aren't you getting broke now?" She said, looking as if she was about to burst out laughing.

You deadpanned. You were doing this for her, suffering, and yet she's laughing at you for being broke.

"Be grateful, I'm spending my precious mora on you." You said.

"I am." She said.

"You probably aren't anyway." You muttered.

Words: 751

sorry this chapter was boring af I promise it will get more un-boring soon. bye bitches <3

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