Chapter 4

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Like a metallic coffin, the cab surrounded the two men as the engine rumbled with mechanical life below them. Beyond, the windows to the cab revealed the cityscape as it passed by them.

Grimy buildings, bustling streets. It was as if London, itself, was alive with the citizens who resided there; the steady thrum of a heartbeat within the breathing metropolis. Humans, vampires, and lycans all walked the same streets, brushing shoulders with one another.

The skin of his cheek felt as if it had caught fire as the sense of someone watching him tickled at the base of his neck. If he were covered with fur, he was certain that his hackles would be raised as the all-seeing gaze of Sherlock's eyes plucked at his nerves, fraying them with every second.

"You're staring," John muttered softly, careful to keep his voice calm and neutral. Although his teeth vibrated with the need to bare them at the vampire, he knew this habit - this observing - was something that Sherlock couldn't help. It was a part of him and that wasn't something that warranted his scorn.

"You've got questions." The reply came quickly, the words swift on the tip of Sherlock's tongue. John gave a slow nod of his head as he turned to allow his eyes to connect with Sherlock's shining silver gaze.

John hummed with a soft smile. "Where are we going?"

At his question, the vampire twisted away from John's stare as he glanced forward, peering blindly out beyond the window beside him. "Crime scene." He muttered simply. "Next?"

"What do you do?"

That question seemed to garner some form of reaction as a smirk tugged at the corners of Sherlock's cupid bow lips. He flicked his eyes across to him and inclined his head. "What do you think?" He asked, the question held no malice but a pure and innocent quality with a hint of edginess. A guarded shield wrapped around the vampire and the knight at the gates was Sherlock's bitter tongue.

"That man, back at the flat." John nudged his head back as if to gesture to where they had driven from. "He was a detective. I've seen him on the news." John explained. "Are you a policeman?"

Sherlock rolled his eyes at that with an affronted scoff. "Really, John?" He bit out the snarled query and the lycan couldn't help the amused snort that escaped his lips, his eyes flashing brightly.

"Okay, so private detective?" He asked before his brows furrowed. "But, police don't go to private detectives."

"I'm a consulting detective."

"Oh." John nodded feigning understanding as he watched Sherlock carefully. But as the man twisted to face him, the amused expression that lined his face was enough to set John at ease as he asked his next question. "What's a consulting detective?"

Sherlock relaxed back against the seat, slouching slightly as he raised a hand to pick at the fraying plastic that lined the interior of the car door. "I'm the only one in the world. I invented the job." He preened with pride then, John could hardly keep the fond grin from his features as he watched Sherlock's petals bloom, shining brightly with elegance.

"So, when the police are out of their depth." He paused then as he met John's gaze. "Which is always, might I add." He raised a finger as if to drive the point home. "They consult me."

"Ah, but that doesn't make sense." John threw the statement out there with a teasing tone and was very much amused when he received the reaction he'd hoped for as Sherlock's pride fell aside to confusion.

"What? What doesn't make sense?" He spat out.

John smirked smugly at the vampire as he shifted slightly in his seat. "The police don't consult amateurs."

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