Chapter 4

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What the actual fuck? What does Chase I-don't-know-his-middle-name-yet Nichols want to talk about? He hasn't known me long enough to talk about something important. "Why do we need to talk?" I try to mimic his voice but fail miserably. 

"Don't do that," he commands as he grimaces. "Don't do what?" I feign innocence while batting my lashes and pouting. I love acting like I don't know what I did. It makes people get irritated. 

"Don't do that thing with your voice. It's weird," Chase lets out an exasperated sigh. 

One. I'm a weird person, so it's a tad bit normal for me. Two. Why is he sighing? None of us should be sighing. There's no reason to sigh unless you feel like you need to sigh to get some air because that happens to me sometimes. 

"Yes sir," I say in a manly voice while saluting. He's not in the mood for jokes because he glares at me instead of giving me the tiniest smile. "What do we need to talk about?" I ask seriously this time. 

He shuffles around a bit and takes on the classic dad stance. You know the one where they spread their legs, cross their arms, and rock back and forth on their feet, usually talking to other dads? That's exactly what he does except no rocking and no dads to talk to. 

Benjamin and Tanner stand on either side of Chase awkwardly, hands shoved in their pockets and looking anywhere but at me. 

"You need to quit boxing," Chase breaks the silence. His voice is calm as if it's perfectly normal to tell a girl you don't know to quit their sport and the way they make income. 

"I have two words for you. Hell. No." My voice is eerily calm considering the storm brewing in my mind. The audacity of him is insane. "Hell. Yes. It's dangerous. You'll end up hurt," he retorts. 

Was he dropped on his head as a kid? "Two things. One, stop acting like my boss. Two, were you dropped as a kid? Boxing is very obviously a dangerous sport. I've done it for years. Y'all saw me fight earlier. That's proof that I can handle myself." My voice starts rising and the tears start coming to the surface. 

Why do I always have to cry when I get upset? It's extremely annoying. It's not like I'm sad.

"No. I was not dropped as a kid. And yes. We did see you fight. In that fight you got hit in the ribs," He tries to reason. "That was one hit. I've sustained more. It also comes with the sport, dipshit. The only reason I got hit by her is because y'all are here. If anything, I should be bitching at you,' I practically scream at them. 

I close my eyes and start counting to ten when Chase tries to say something. "Leave," I cut him off, "I need to change and pack up." Benjamin and Tanner go to leave, but Chase stops them. I hope he breaks his fucking ankles. 

I shoot a death stare at him before searching for my clothes. Spotting my t-shirt and hoodie I decided to tease them since they refuse to leave. I bend over letting my ass show. I move my hips acting like I'm struggling to pick up my hoodie. 

I slip my t-shirt on but leave my hoodie off since it's hot in here. When I whirl around Benjamin is turned looking at the other wall, and Tanner is staring at the ceiling. And Chase is staring dead at me, his hand covering his crotch. Good. 

"Excuse me," I huff as I go in between Chase and Tanner.  I purposely let my ass brush Chase's hand. I feel his fingers twitch. 

I start packing my bag. Only one of them has the decency to help me, Tanner. I drop my deodorant and Tanner picks it up for me. As he picks it up he scans the label.

Three. Two. One. "Why are you using men's deodorant?" I wish people would mind their own business. I like him enough to answer his question, "In my opinion, it works better than women's"

"Oh. I guess that makes sense," Tanner murmurs as he hands it back to me. I hum in agreement and go back to what I was doing. 

"Ben, Tanner, go stand outside for a little bit. Maeve and I need to have a private conversation," He stresses the word 'private'. They obey Chase like dogs and walk outside the door obediently. 

"You didn't have to be rude," I remark grabbing my hand wrap. "What do you mean by that, doll?" My stomach does a backflip at the nickname. Ignoring the feeling I reply, "You were rude when you were talking to them. You could've said please or asked. Instead, you were demanding like they're your dogs and you're their master."

"Oh, really?" he questions as he stalks closer to me. "Yes," my voice wavers instead of being strong like I had intended it to be. He continues walking toward me as I back up to maintain distance. 

My back hits the wall. He walks until our noses almost touch. His hands are on either side of my head like a cage.

"Then I guess I'll have to ask nicely." His breath hits my face. It smells like mint and pine. He smells like mint and pine. It's the combination I never knew I needed. Chase scans my face; his eyes fall to my lips before looking back up at my eyes.

He tilts his head and leans closer to my ear, whispering, "Will you please quit boxing?" his please does things to my body and I don't know why. 

My whole body buzzes at the intimacy of this position. Hundreds of inappropriate thoughts run through my mind. Thoughts about what Chase and I could do in this room alone. 

The thought of him whispering sweet nothings into my ear as he did just a second ago flows around my mind. My breath hitches as he leans back up to look me in the eye. 

His lips are pink and plump. They look soft like clouds. I wonder what his kisses feel like. 

I wonder if he's experienced or not. He seems to be experienced, but I would love for him to be innocent. I want to ruin that innocence. "Maeve," He whispers snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I can't," I whisper back. I don't know why we're whispering. No one can hear us. The walls are soundproof and if that isn't enough there's loud music and yelling on the other side of the door. The only way to hear would be to be in the room with us. 

Chase's head drops.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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