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23:54. City of Yokohama.2024.

An earthquake measuring six on the Richter scale hit the nearby town of Ayase.The victims are over a thousand people.News of this tragedy spread on every social network.Nearly ninety-three percent of the comments were of the type: "I express my condolences to each of the relatives of the victims" or of the type: "I am extremely sorry for what happened. "While the other seven percent are trolls who say the death toll was too low or not enough.The media introduced unnecessary panic and stress into other people for almost a few days.Politicians, law enforcement and subway workers quarreled like children over who should take the other's toy.

" Is that what people have become? A pitiful sight. "

A middle-aged man said to himself as he read his newspaper, sitting at the last table in one of the three cafes in the center.

" Whichever world I go to, it's the same ... is it worth continuing ... is it worth trying to leave them alone to control their own destiny ... "

The man with the long black hair and short beard kept talking.Passers-by stared into his eyes, bright yellow and elliptical vertical iris.The man looked at those who watched him from time to time as he sipped from his cup of coffee.He took out his smartphone and looked at the clock as well as the thousands of announcements that angered him.The man banged on the table and nearly broke it.He exhaled heavily as he squeezed his smartphone and got up from his chair.The man put the smartphone in the left pocket of his jeans and went to pay the bill.When he reached the bar, he reached into the right pocket of his gray coat and pulled out a hundred-euro bill.

" For the coffee ... and the table. "

Said the man with the long hair as he handed the bill to the cafe owner.

The man reached for the bill, but froze when he saw the eyes of the man in front of him.The long-haired man said nothing, he stood waiting for the owner to take the money.At one point, the smartphone informed him, which irritated the long-haired man.He tried to calm down and looked at the cafe owner again.

" What's wrong? Aren't they enough? "

Said the long-haired man and reached into his jacket pocket once more.

The owner shook his head and quickly took the money.He turned to his client, but he was gone.This confused the man, less than two seconds had passed and his client had evaporated into thin air.The cafe owner wondered if they had met to see him.

A scandal was raging in Anu's palace.The gods had turned against each other.Ever since the supreme god and their father Anu told them about the so-called destroyer of worlds, they have split into two factions.Enlil led those who wanted to stay with their father Anu and Enki led the other half who wanted to escape by fleeing to another world.The opposition wanted to make those in Enlil listen to them.

They did not want their brothers and sisters to remain in this world and perish fighting such a creature.Anu would not leave quietly, he wanted to face the destroyer.God wanted to fight to the last breath protecting his loved ones and every person he and his family had created , even if in the last millennia they had turned their backs on the gods.Anu and Enki never understood, the supreme god knew that Enki thought well of his loved ones , but he and those beside him also had tasks to perform, tasks assigned to them by himself.Without which their status as gods will lose their status, which will make him weaker as a deity.The balance would be lost, and with it the world itself would perish before the destroyer arrived.But the irony was that the so-called destroyer of worlds was already there, right under Anu's nose.The yellow-eyed man returned to his home, took his smartphone out of his pocket , and sat on the couch in the waiting room.

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