Chapter 2

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Eva detested going outside from the height they were. This neighborhood was grown on tall orchid trees. They were about 69 yards tall. Eva peered down at the edge.

" Remember Eva. Imagine the steps." Aunt Elva tried to comfort Elva. Eva looked down at her magical world. Every single being in sight had at least a drop of magic in them. Not Eva. Not her. Ever since she was born, she never fit in. She didn't even grow wings at the appropriate time and still, they hadn't shown. Among things like this, Eva was also unable to see things that other fairies, witches, or other magical creatures could see. Such as the long wooden staircase below her. And that she didn't have wings to support her if she fell splat on the ground. Also was a small worry.

"Let's go, Eva. You got this. Just follow in my footsteps." Aunt Elva put her foot on what Eva supposed was the first step and tightened her grip on Eva as she followed her. Finally, they reached solid ground, and Eva wanted to get down and kiss the dirt. Before she could do that though, her aunt grabbed her hand and they pulled at the air. Suddenly, they appeared at the bottom of a huge oak tree trunk. Eva nearly tripped on one of the long roots that stretched out like fingers. Even though Eva's family was full-fledged fairies (except for her) her aunt's father was an elf, which allowed her to have certain abilities such as teleporting. Eva stared up at the oak tree's tallest branches. Nested in the highest spot was her school, gleaming in the sunlight, with rays bouncing off the crystal walls, creating a rainbow. It was too bright for Eva to look at directly. Among the vines that clung to the bark was a rope ladder.

"Another day to start with exercise." Eva thought, following the ladder with her eyes to the top. She could ask Aunt Elva to teleport or fly her up, but she was old-fashioned - and decided that fitness was a good way to start the morning. She grabbed the first rung and began the long climb up.


Once she reached the last rung, she reached her arm up and grasped the path that led to her shimmering school. Her face was red and she was gasping for breath. Eva collapsed on the pathway, getting weird stares from students that veered around her to enter the building. She rested there for about five minutes, and finally decided to get up.

"Why hello, Eva. Why are you blocking the way? There's traffic around here, you should know." Eva lifted her head and saw her friend Skyler. He was her friend for three years by now. Eva didn't understand why she put up with him. Skyler grinned and offered his hand to her.

"Well, never mind that but we better get going-we'll be late. And you know how mad Ms Bridgette is when students arrive late. " Eva shuddered as she remembered the brutal glares that her literature teacher gave, and made the latest student in class sit next to a magical plant that acted like a dog-it drooled stinky saliva and the substance didn't wash out for almost a year.

"Yeah let's get going." Eva nodded her head in agreement. She began to walk into the hall, but Skyler zoomed by overhead.

"Try to keep up!" he hollered down at Eva. She rolled her eyes and ran after him. She was nearly there when she bumped into something with rubbery skin. She looked up to see a whein, an elephant-looking creature with multicolor skin, a sharp spiralling horn, and a beautiful peacock tail. Skyler paused in midair for a moment, then landed on the whien's turquoise back.

"Well, Eva, it seems you have found my friend Tengar." he patted Tengar's head with affection.

"-Who is also the maker of this absolutely wonderful substance." Skyler finished, pointing at the pink goo that the whein had produced underneath itself. Eva looked down and realized that she had her foot in the waste too. She removed it with disgust. Skyler grinned down on her and flew into the doorway behind the whein. Eva tried to walk around the enormous creature, but Tengar shuffled around to block her way. Eva took a step right-Tengar followed her. Eva then ducked, and as the whien stumbled to follow, she rolled on top of him and landed in front of the doorway. Only as soon as she stumbled into the doorway did she realize that Tengar's pink goop had stolen her left shoe. As she entered the classroom, everyone stared at her messed-up hair, slime-covered pants, and barefoot.

"Well," Ms Bridgette said with distasteful scorn on her stretched-out face. As she led Eva to her spot next to the plant that looked like a venus fly-trap, except its tongue hung out and was slobbering like a hungry dog. Eva sat down at the desk and scootched her chair a little away from the plant and its puddle of stinky drool. Ms Bridgette smiled with satisfaction. Every time a student was punished for being late, she would say,

"Who has done wrong has been punished, so wrong is now right." as she said this, she patted a dusty, old book affectionately. "Quote from the Precious Thief, Davina Aiden." She then reached under her desk and lifted a huge stack of books. She dropped them on the table with a thump.

"-Which is what our lesson is based on. Today we will read a tall tale from this book. Many think the story holds truth. What are your thoughts?" She glinted her round spectacles.

"Write them down after reading to page seven. You may read on, though I wouldn't expect it from you pitiless bunch." She then proceeded to pass out the books with golden bindings. Eva put down the book on her desk, careful to not let the plant's drool wet its pages. The plant tried to stretch from its pot to lick Eva's face. Eva pushed the plant's pot away in disgust. Then she opened her copy of the book and began reading.

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