With friendships comes sacrifises

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Elliana is my best friend.
Long, combed hair that pricks my skin like an outgrowth tip of a thorn. A fair completion of untouched snow, so cold and bare bloody patches of rosiness buried in the numbness of loneliness.
Painted, blonde hair fitted precisely to match her best friend. My best friend. E+E. Only then I realised our friendship grew stronger when her relationship with J grew even stronger.
Truthfully, J was and still my crush. Him and I secretly dated while Jelliana involved infront of view's screens. Obsessively, Elli would watch on the screen the outcome of reactions permitted by her audience, while J and I were cuddled in the guest room, J curled my hair while whispering loving compliments that made me blush. My eyes caught his roughed lips magnetically gesturing for warmth. My throat tightened and lips went dry I longed for affection, our noses met each other and he pulled me into a kiss.
The sound of the TV was in the far distance I demanded my attention to focus on the love I was receiving, only to realise I was kissing Elli while dreamily talking about Jentzen. 'My best friend dating my boyfriend?' Elli screamed, angrily throughing the covers at me. 'The same Thing I can scream about, you dating a guy that was taken long before by your best friend', I exclaimed, 'Your bond with Jentzen only grew stronger because I asked him to do it, he knows I am private and would never show my relationship to viewers because I'm uninterested in sharing my affection to my boyfriend, and he is the same. Don't you get it your a girl that's insecure and deeply lost by having a boyfriend he can tell you how much your worth and he gives you the affection that you miss.'

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