Chapter 1

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"Spy?" The Medic reacts with amused curiosity when he finds out of the people, the Spy, master of disguises, at his doorsteps in the middle of the night, seemingly anxious. He looked different, possibly worried, scared, and his skin paler. "What are you doing at this hour?... Come on in!"

Spy nods his head in his concession, "Thank you for taking me in at this hour, Medic. I am very thankful, doctor."

He goes in and settles himself on the examination table, coughing as he does so; the x-rays behind him glow fluorescent, giving the room a dingy, iridescent glow.

The Medic just looks at him with concern. "And what are you doing here today, mein freund?"

"Uh..." Spy glances around. "Just a regular check-up."

"Right!" He turns around, looking around for his medical supplies when Spy painfully clears his throat.

" Agh !" The unofficial doctor stops in his tracks, eyes searching for Spy, before spinning around to meet Spy's unusually worried gaze. Spy continues to hack and cough, until blood is starting to dribble out of the corner of his mouth.

The Medic's eyes widened in shock and fear for his friend, moving closer. "Jesus! You're bleeding! Are... you ok?"

He snaps, " Ah, does it seem like it?!"

Silence in the operating room, the Medic's eyes narrowing as Spy calms down, coughing up crimson like a hag once more.

"L-look... I think... I think that I have some kind of lung illness... although I hope that is not the case."

"Hmm, it seems likely." The Medic thinks to himself a moment before giving Spy a napkin to clean his stained chin; then taking out a huge syringe and cleansing it with a gauze pad. "I will use your blood to test for possible disease and find feasible cures. Are we agreed?"


"Then we vegin!" He unveils a huge machine, that same machine that he also used with the übercharge. "With this!"

He flicks on a switch, making instant energy flow into Spy, who briefly stopped coughing meekly, feeling renewed from the healing of such advanced medicine.

"Now, time to extract that beautiful blood~"

"Mm, mon ami..." Spy closed his eyes, trying not to imagine those words in any other context as he felt that large needle pierce his arm. His cheeks almost flush beneath the mask, reminiscing on all the intimate times spent in this haunted place, memories made to forget (because it didn't work out in the end).

He comes back to the present eventually, watching as the syringe fills up with his dark, deep blood and is taken out quickly; the wound covered by a fresh bandage.

"I vould put you to sleep for this, dear Spy, but I bet you can handle this!" He says as he raises his blazer and stips him there, and starts to dissect his upper torso; making him gasp and grunt in anguish as the Medic rambles on, words flying past his head, as he's moving internal organs around and grabbing his ribs. It takes a long while when words come through to the Spy. " that time I voundfucked you on the field, remember that? Haha, good times, hm."

Spy winced as his chin tilted upward, revealing a brazen, old bite wound from many years before . "L-ludwig... don't..."

The Medic began to maniacally chuckle like a mad scientist (that he is) as he shoved the ribs out of the way, reaching the lungs under all that flesh and muscle, his cackling stopped too abruptly... as he observed the shriveling, smoke-filled lungs.

" This... now, this is not good..." Medic looks up. "How much have you smoked in your entire lifetime, Spy?"

The mood change is dramatic as Spy stammers. "Uh, let's just say a lot..."

Chemotherapy with the MedicWhere stories live. Discover now