20: funny cigarettes - remus lupin

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Rain pattered against the large windows decorating the walls of the library. Lit candles were scattered on the table where Remus sat, the soft light flickering gently. He was the only one there, obviously, it was far into the night. But he knew he wouldn't get in trouble, he was the gryffindor prefect after all.

He tried to focus on his studies, but his mind kept wandering to a certain hufflepuff stundent. Y/n was her name, and she'd been occupying his mind for a long time. Maybe it was the way she spoke, or the way she looked while daydreaming, no matter what it was, Remus was absolutely smitten by her.

He sighed deeply and closed the book he was trying to read, he had been on the same page for minutes now. He packed his things in his bag before blowing out the candles. He muttered 'lumos' and began walking towards the gryffindor residence.

As he was walking through a dimly lit corridor, a giggle was herd. He stopped in his tracks, thinking that he might've imagined it, but then it was herd again. A flicker caught his eye and he quietly began walking towards it. Turning the corner he almost lost his breath.

There Y/n sat, crisscrossed by a slightly opened window. In her hand was an almost finished 'funny cigarette'. Remus wasn't surprised, the hufflepuffs was known for their cheap but good weed. But for some reason he was surprised that Y/n was smoking it.

He cleared his throat, gaining the attention of the flimsy hufflepuff. A large smile spread over her face as she saw him.

"Oh Remus! Hello!" She stood up, her legs unsteady from the weed. The way she looked up at Remus made him nervous for some reason. He couldn't quite figure out how to deal with the situation.

"Good evening Y/n." He said, eyeing the joint in her right hand. Her eyes followed his gaze an she let out a chuckle.

"Ohhh you want some?" She asked, walking closer to the lanky boy. She stood close to him, leaning the front of her body against his as she raised her hand, the cigarette between two of her fingers. A blush crept up on Remus cheeks, he could feel the heat of her body against his, and smell the distinct scent of marijuana mixed with her perfume.

"Uh- no thank you." He stuttered, softly pushing her away from him. He knew that he should report this too the headmaster, but he couldn't bring himself to it. "Why are you out here?" He asked.

"Wanted to get away from John, he was mad at me." She said, her mood suddenly dropping.

John, the only reason Remus hadn't made a move on Y/n yet. He was her boyfriend and Remus hated him. Not out of jealousy, but because of the way John treated her. He was a proper twat he and the other marauders said.

"What's he mad about?" Remus asked. He knew that it wasn't his business to ask such a question, but if John was hurting her he would curse him without a doubt.

"Oh, nothing in particular, he always finds a reason to get angry, could be the smallest thing." She said, now looking out the window, onto the crescent moon. "I think I'm going to end things with him, he's a bloody wanker now when I think about it." She let out a soft chuckle.

"Yeah, by the sounds of it you should." Remus said, trying to hide the slight happiness in his voice. "You deserve so much more Y/n, everything in the world." He said, gazing upon the hufflepuff with admiration in his eyes.

"You think so?" She looked up at him, a crooked grin on her face. Remus nodded softly in response. "Well, thank you Remus." She smiled warmly, a soft flutter of love in her heart. She had long since adored the tall gryffindor.

"When are you heading back to your common room then?"

"Not tonight." She shortly answered, looking out the window again.

𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓹𝓸𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓲𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora