Chapter 4

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On the way to the party Tara kept rambling on about how great the party would be with Jasmine so I was just sitting in the front with Chace. I wish I hadn't called shotgun, Chace kept looking over at me, trying to be subtle. 

We pulled up at the house and we could hear the music beating loud from the backyard. "Hey guys, Hey Chace!" A girl said, coming out through the side gate with a drink in her hand. She gestured with her free hand for us to follow her. 

"We'll meet up with you guys at the end of the party." Chace said pulling along Tara deeper into the backyard. Jasmine and I were left standing next to a large group of guys. I didn't know any of them, but Jasmine seemed to.

"Hey Jazz." Most of the boys called out, "Who's your friend?" They asked staring at me.

"She's new, her name's Ally." Jasmine replied to them, turning to me smiling.

"Hey." I said shyly. They all looked at me smiling and turned to each other talking, I think about me.

Jasmine walked up to one and sat on his lap, "Hey baby." He said and gave her a kiss. WHAT?! "I didn't know you had a boyfriend, Jazz." I said, shocked.

"Oh sorry, this is Liam." She said looking up to me. "Come over here." She said tapping a empty chair next to her.

All the guys looked at me as I walked over to the seat and sat awkwardly, all the guys still watching me.

"Anyone want a drink?" A boy with light brown hair and blue eyes asked, looking around the group.

"I could use one, I'll come with." I said, standing up now. Anything to get away from all those creepy guys.

"Hey, my name's Will." A smile spreading across his face.

"Ally." I told him, grinning.

"Haha, I know." He said still smiling.

"Oh. Yeah, sorry." I blushed.

We reached the drinks table and he picked up two cups and handed one to me. I smiled at him and stared at the drinks, trying to decide which one I wanted. I saw loads of alcohol, but I don't think that was a good idea, considering what happened last year...

I grabbed the coke and poured myself some andturned to walk of with Will. I saw Chace and Tara snuggled up on a seat together, making out. I almost vomited at the sight and just kept walking. 

I sat back into the large circle of people and Will pulled his chair up next to mine, he seemed pretty nice. I smiled at him and leaned back in my chair.

"How's it going?" He asked, leaning forward.

"mm, just found out my next door neighbour is Chace Simmons." I laughed.

"ah, that douche... Don't get me started." He said. I laughed again, noticing his crystal blue eyes. They were sort of hypnotizing in a way. 

I smiled at him and stopped a woman walking past with a tray of bruschetta. I took a piece and munched down on it, listening to my tummy roar for more. I shoved it all in my mouth, greedily and bit down on to my tongue. Hard. 

"OW!!" I screamed standing up and sticking my tongue out of my mouth. I saw blood drip from it down to the grass.

"Are you alright Ally?" Will asked, standing up and putting his hand up to my face.

"mah mime malright." I mumbled, trying to speak properly.

"What happened?" Chace asked, as he ran down to where I was.

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