Colby's life story

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      Colby Daniel Lopez was born on May 28th 1986 in Davenport, Iowa. His mother was a single mother. She got married to a man who would end up adopting Colby when he was 2 years old. That man is who Colby calls dad. Colby does not know who his biological father is and is not interested in meeting him.
       Colby has a step brother named Brandon Lopez and they are really close. Brandon is two years older then Colby. Colby's mom is named Holly and she is an amazing woman who has only told Colby the truth about his life. Colby and Brandon both grew up wrestling fans. They both wanted to be wrestlers as adults. Only one of them was able to.

     Colby knew from the moment he was twelve that he was meant to be a wrestler. He told everyone that including his parents. No one believed him but they were the ones who told him that he could be anything he wanted to be. Why is it the people who tell you that you can be anything that you want are the ones that don't believe in you? That is a question he asked himself a lot.
       He started wrestling professionally at age 19 in the independent circuit. He wanted to go to CM Punk's wrestling school but he did not have enough money for it. He ended up going to a wrestling school close to his hometown. He also went to college and had a job the first year of his career. The first year of his career was in 2005.
       He wrestled for a lot of independent companies that he was able to drive to. He worked for wrestling society x for a little while. That company ended not long after he worked there. After that he worked for  Ring of Honor for a little while formed a tag team with Jimmy Jacobs and won the Ring of Honor tag team championships. He also won the Ring of Honor world championship.
      After he worked for Ring of Honor he wanted to either see if WWE would hire him or TNA would hire him. He went with WWE which was the better long-term decision. He started working for WWE in 2010 for FCW. He won the FCW championship and then they change the brand to NXT and he was the first ever NXT champion. He also won the WWE championship. Making him the first person to win the FCW NXT and WWE championships.
        Survivor Series 2012 Seth (Colby) debuted in a group called "The Shield". The Shield consists of Roman Reigns , Dean Ambrose , and Seth Rollins. They were a very dominant group of guys that everyone loved and hated at some point which makes them great at their job. That group made all of them famous.
           CM Punk is the one that came up with that group originally Roman Reigns was not supposed to be in that group but things happened and he was. No one was mad that he was. Having Roman in it was actually very good. You needed three different guys who all looked very different and acted very differently. In 2014 Seth Rollins turned on the shield and aligned with the authority ,which intern made him a heel.
         That heel runs is still one of the best heel runs ever. He was amazing at making everyone hate him. Even though he never actually did anything wrong he made you hate his guts. In early November 2015 he got hurt in a live event in Dublin, Ireland. He took about six months off.

         He was the WWE champion when he got hurt. When he came back Roman Reigns was the WWE champion. Seth naturally went after Roman when he came back because he wanted his championship back. He did end up getting it back at money in the bank 2016 , but he lost it because Dean ambrose cashed in and won. In 2017 The Shield got back together and it made everyone happy.

          In October 2018 on the same night that Roman announced that he had cancer Dean had turned on Seth. The feud went weird and never really ended but they eventually worked things out when Roman came back in February 2019. Seth won the Royal Rumble in January 2019 and that is where this part ends.

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