Chapter 17 - Cayler

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I prayed for the first time in about ten years for Kenneth and Shiloh to return unharmed. Just as I ended my prayer, Angel yelped. I flew over to her and sighed, relieved. She stood in a puddle of water, teeth chattering. "Are you okay?" I asked. She nodded, making the towel wrap around her hip-length brown hair slide. "How did you bathe?"

"Tom had grabbed a pitcher, filled it with snow, melted it then poured it over me. There's enough snow out there to fill the tubs full about a hundred times!" To be honest, I wouldn't have believed her if it hadn't snowed off and on for two years straight. Seeing Angel standing there, knowing she took a shower, made me want to take one too. The blizzard going on would make it impossible to get snow without freezing to death.

"Um, listen. After the blizzard's over, can I take one too?"

Angel nodded with a grin. "You can take one now. Tom grabbed a little extra while he was at it. I'm surprised we hadn't thought of this sooner. Olivia's washing our clothes and Laya's mending them."

"Here," Laya said, tossing me a pair of blue jeans and a dingy white long-sleeved shirt. I thanked her and walked into a massive bathroom. Gray tiles covered the floor, while the counter was marble. Beside the tub was a plastic pitcher filled with water. Afterward, I stuck my finger into the water to make sure it was warm enough. I quickly took off my clothes and stepped into the tub. Reaching over for the pitcher, I looked like a skeleton. Naturally, freaking me out. I guess it was about two years when I looked like I was in the army.

It was harder trying not to dump all the water out since I needed some to make my hair wet, shampoo then used it to rinse it out. Someone knocked on the door, scaring me. It was Brianna, "hey, Cayler? Just use the blue bottle labeled shampoo, okay?"

"Okay," I said, as I started looking for the bottle. Once I found it, I stared at it, "are you sure I should use this?"

"We've got plenty."

"Thanks." I shrugged. Maybe they got the shampoo on discount. It didn't matter, it was a good thing to have at the moment. When I poured the water over me, the water went from clear to gray and murky. Cleanliness filled my body as the ash went down the drain. I stepped out, grabbed a towel, dried off, and got dressed. A wallet fell out of my pocket, so I opened it, seeing a picture of my family before Dad killed Mom, hundred-dollar bills, my driver's license, and military ID. I weighed 175 pounds two years ago, and now I probably weighed like 155.

Staring at the picture, I went to show Amy and Wyatt. Seeing it, a smile spread across Wyatt's face, seeing it. "There's something I meant to tell you." Amy and I looked at each other like he was going to tell us he was our older brother or something. "On October 27, 2004, I found your mother injured in the kitchen. The night before, on Rattan's fortieth birthday, Rattan had told someone, probably one of his friends, that he'd kill Mae. Of course, you'd probably think he was drunk like I did. After the murder, everyone who knew him thought it was something psychological because nine years ago, his brother — my father — died in a train wreck. Even though I was only fourteen, I begged my mother to take you two in. Anyway, before Mae died, she told me to tell you both that she'll always be with you."

"Thanks for telling us," Amy said, and I nodded in agreement.

"Do you think Kenneth and Shiloh are okay?" I asked out of the blue.

Amy nodded. "I'm sure they are. I keep asking myself this every time Jace goes somewhere without me."

"But that's the problem. Kenneth's always with me."

"Is your gut saying he's dead?"


"Then he's alive, and the blizzard should be over by the day after tomorrow."

Sure enough, the blizzard had stopped the day after tomorrow; even Kenneth and Shiloh had stumbled into the living room tired, but unharmed. Around noon, Parker yelled, "guys! Guys, I can hear out of my right ear!" Every single one of us rushed into the living room to where Parker sat. Angel and Thomas hugged their son, and Paige squeezed his hand.

Shiloh tapped my shoulder. "I've got a feeling who killed Mary-Anne's family." I stared at her. She had informed everyone about Mary-Anne's mom and uncle's murder a year ago.

"That was a year ago, but who? Tungsten and his men are already dead, same with Lux."

She shook her head. "It's neither of them. They're like ninjas, and the ash and snow don't seem to affect them."

"So you're saying you've only seen them once?"

"Yeah, but they're dangerous!"

"Said the girl who cried wolf."

Shiloh crossed her arms. "Don't come crying to me when everyone you love dies in your arms."

"You're tired; go to bed." Shiloh stormed off, going to her room. Of course, her words had left me paranoid. I went to find Jensen, who was talking to Parker.

"Hey, Cayler," Parker said, waving.

"Hey, Parker," I turned to Jensen, "can I talk to you after you're done with Parker?"

"Yeah, I'll meet you in my office."

I walked to Jensen's office and sat in a chair on the other side of the desk. It was an old beat-up mahogany desk I recognized as Mayor Anderson's. The guys who had gone to the small airport had picked up a gift for Jensen. A picture of Jensen, Jace, Piper, and I at graduation caught my eye. The date was on the corner, June 1, 2018. Amy had graduated two years previously from a different high school than I.

"What's up," Jensen asked from behind, making me jump.

"Yeah, um, Shiloh made me paranoid," then I continued explaining what had made me like that.

Jensen nodded. "I think it'll help to have some people guarding."

"I agree, and you know those stadium lights around the high school?"

"What about them?"

I sighed. This was probably stupid, but it might help with ideas. "What if we used them to light up New Haven? I'm not really sure how we'll transport them, but it's an idea."

"That is a marvelous idea, but like you said, how would we transport them? You just gave me another idea. We can use the surrounding fences of the empty prisons and put them around New Haven."


"Why don't you get some rest? See you in the morning."

Instead of sleeping, I walked over to Sarah and Jackson's place. I knocked. They were talking, and the door opened seconds later. "Cayler! It's nice to see you. Come on in," Sarah said.

When I walked in, the heavy scent of cigarette smoke smacked me in the face. "Why does it smell like cigarette smoke?" I whimpered.

"The old owners used to smoke. You wanted a cigarette?" I nodded. "There aren't any, and even if there was, I don't recommend it." Sarah didn't recommend it since they'd we'd trade them if there were even any to be found.

"I know, and why would I refuel an old habit?"

"Agreed, there's no point," Sarah and Jackson said in unison. "And it's already been two years since you quit."

"What's up," Jackson asked.

I told them the idea about the stadium lights and Sarah's face just lit up like it was Christmas. "We'll make it," Sarah said.

"I know you and Lindsey can do it."

"I'll go talk to Lindsey in the morning. Thanks for the idea." After saying no problem, I went back to Kenneth's and my room, then sat on the bed where Kenneth lay.

My husband rolled over and said, "can't sleep?"

I shook my head and sighed, "sorry if I woke you."

Kenneth sat up. "Nah. You're fine, I can't sleep either."

"Long night, I guess."

"Or it could be a productive night."


"You'll see."

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