The Fall of the Castle of Lions [Pt.3]

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[3][The Fall of the Castle of Lions][Pt

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[The Fall of the Castle of Lions]

- Arusian Village -

Keith, Allura and the Arusian King arrive at the now burning Arusian village.

"What's happening?" Allura asked.

"Look! Attackers!" The Arusian King points to Galra Sentries standing among the flames and explosions.

"I'll go in for a closer look. Stay here with them." Kieth says before diving into the fray and approaches the Sentries seeing they are broken decoys.

"What? Oh, no. They tricked us!" Kieth yelled to Allura through her communication earrings.

"It was just a diversion to separate us and thin the Castle defenses!" Kieth states and the princess looks in shock towards the Castle.

- Castle Ship -

Inside, the Galra hook up their own Power Crystal to the Castle of Lions.

"Power up the Castle." Sendak commands and the Castle powers up in Galra violet. A computer screen shows all the Voltron Lions are in place.

"The Lions are all in their bays. Raising particle barrier. Begin launch sequence." Sendak orders and the particle barrier activates, preventing Keith and Allura from entering in time.
Kieth slams his fist on the barrier.

"We're too late... No!" Yelled the Red Paladin in frustration.

"They have control of the Castle. They're taking Voltron!" Allura exclaimed.

"Make contact with Emperor Zarkon." Sendak says as he stood in the Castle Bridge and Haxus brings Zarkon up on screen.

"Sendak." Said Zarkon.

"My mission is complete. I've captured the Altean castle, along with all of the Voltron Lions. I am currently preparing for launch and will be delivering them all to you shortly." Sendak informed his ruler.

"This news is most pleasing. You have done your duty. Vrepit Sa!" Zarkon said.

"Vrepit Sa!" Said Sendak and the transmission ends.

"Haxus, ready the Castle for takeoff." Sendak orders and the said Galran does so.

"Can we break through the barrier?" Kieth asked as he summoned his Bayard.

"No. And whoever has taken the Castle has a Crystal, which means they'll be able to fly the ship. We have to stop them." Allura answered.

"How are we going to do that?" Kieth wonders and soon comes into contact with Pidge through his helmet.

"Keith, can you hear me?" Asked Pidge.

"Pidge! Is that you? Where are you?" Kieth asked.

"I'm inside the Castle. Sendak has taken over and he's preparing for launch. He's got Lance, [N] and Shiro." Pidge explained.

"Pidge, listen. If they've started the launch sequence, then we don't have much time before liftoff to stop it." Allura states.

"What do I have to do?" Asked Pidge.

"You have to get down to the main engine control panel and disconnect the primary turbine from the Central Energy Chamber. If you can do that, Sendak will have to reset the whole system. That might give us enough time to find a way to stop them." Allura instructs to the Paladin.

Pidge pulls up a map of the Castle Ship from the Paladin armor and heads off to do as instructed. Pidge then forces entry into an elevator shaft with the drone Rover.

"Hey, Rover." Pidge greets the bot. Rover follows them inside the shaft and hovers in place.

"Okay, Rover, here we go." Pidge uttered and the bot follows them down the shaft to the bottom.

"Run main cluster activation sequence." Sendak orders.

"Activation sequence initiated. Powering up for launch." Haxus said.

Pidge reaches the Central Energy Chamber where the engine is.

"Okay, Allura, I'm near the turbine. I think it's started." Pidge explained.

"Then you'll have to hurry. Cross the catwalk to the main column in the center." Allura explained and Pidge does as instructed.


"Now, open the hatch. Find the central computer control hub and enter the following sequence..." Allura went on, but was interrupted.

"Wait wait wait wait! Which one is it? All the labels are in Altean!" Pidge questions as they look over the controls in great confusion.

"Commander Sendak, we are ready for launch." Haxus informs and the launch starts and energy swells the chamber, disrupting the communication channel between the princess and green Paladin.

"I can't tell which one it is! Allura? Allura? Uh..." Pidge questioned and noticed they got cut off.

Allura and Kieth then witness the impending launch of the Castleship.

"I've lost connection with Pidge! Oh, no! It's taking off!" Allura exclaimed while Pidge began to panic to try to find a solution.

"Uh... Uh... Whatever." Pideg slams the green Bayard into the engine turbine, being thrown back, but successfully interrupting the launch.

"The main engine just shorted out!" Haxus exclaimed and Sendak pulls up a feed of the Central Energy Chamber and sees Pidge fleeing from the scene.

"We have a saboteur. Find him and take him out." Sendak ordered as they frowned and glared at the screen.

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