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Ghost busters
Steve: Robin do you need picking up for work
Dustin:remember you said you would take us to see back to the future tomorrow
Steve: I know
Erica:your going with out me
Lucas: yes
Eddie:we aldredy booked the tickets
Max:what row are we in
Eddie:and me and steve are in M the back
El:Why aren't you sat with us
Steve:no seats where available other than the back row so we took those
Robin:to make out during the film
Steve:no last time I saw it we where druged so it made no sens and I want to see it
Eddie:aww I wanted to make out<3
Mike:me and Will will go at the back
Steve:Nah I'll be fine
Eddie: sure I'll let you believe that
Nancy:Eddie there are kids
Eddie: I don't care

(A/N: sorry if this was short it was rushed but I'm not sure if I should make them seeing the movie or stick to the gc )

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