1/ nightly introduction

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As I walk down the tunnel, followinf the train tracks, as I make my way, my pistols ready in my hands, there was a bet on a Vampires head... a pathetic vampire who ingenuously poisioned there master...

So I here, WIRH this vampire having a bounty on his head. I finally stop finding a crying man?
He turns to me whimpering and shaking, I see the fangs, yep pathetic.
"What's your name?"
I look at the picture seeing it works with the other. Before he can sender again I shoot him in the skull. There done.
I pick up his ashes in a bag and make my way out.

"Work is going to well I see?"
I turn aiming my gun at the voice, seeing a blonde women? "Who are you?"
(He doesn't know his family, and none of them knew of him)
"I'm Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing, but you can call me sir" she answers.
WAIT Hellsing?
"Yes you've realsied we have the last same names... don't worry I learnt of who you are, since to our names, & your reputation Im giving you a offer"
An offer?
"What offer?"
"We'll since to being a Hellsing, I want you to work for me, as a my guard, but to go on missions, free blood supply, free place to stay, and more you ask"
This is too good to be true?!
"What's the catch?"
She smiles "Simple... you take my place of taking over Hellsing if I die... since you are my Son"
I stop I make myself show no emotion.
"DONT worry, once you agree and come to Hellsing I'll show you proof"
It does sound nice to have a place of my own...
"Very well... any backstabbing or anything I'll have your head"
Integra stands STRIGHT smiling... "very well till next time... son"
She walks of into the darkness... I huff annoyed as I walk back through the tunnels.

How can I be her son? I'm a vampire she's human! Then again I don't have much memory of being a child. After a bit of walking I get to the hotel, where they have the bet, I walk inside.
It's like a bar inside, I go to the VIP, when at the table I throw down the bag & the bet on the table.
"DONE" I say... seeing thr shock on the mens faces. The leader smiles, clicking his fingers. A man walks up giving me a big brief case, I open it finding all the money.
"Very well done now bye"
I turn and walk out.

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