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Things about to get real—

Toffee's POV—

We met with this strange cookie who almost took Strawberry away! Thankfully Healer cookie got her back for us, then she wanted to play hide and go seek, which of course we dont have time for, so we continued on, and we ran into them again, and.. scanned everyones dough! Like how did they do that!?

"Why are you scanning everyones dough without their consent!?" I ask, pretty mad, "oh why not! miss dark enchantress said i could! and also investigate the wafflebots! oh now i hope all the ancients go down, especially dark cacao, hes annoying, and dark enchantress will rule earthbread!!!" Healer cookie gasped, and i was furious, like someone has started a fire inside of me, i was ready to crumble them, "ohhh someone looks a wee bit mad..!" as they tease me, "UGH, i cant scan you 4!!!" they state as they try to scan me, Golden Parm., Pure Sugar, and Healer cookie, "I- HOW DARE YOU!? TRYING TO SCAN OUR VERY DOUGH!" I yell, "Calm down toffee..." Golden Parm. says as he holds my hand, "Are you trying to CHALLENGE ME TO A BATTLE!?" they state, "y'know what, BRING IT ON!" I say, as i pull out my scythe, "STOP! VIOLENCE IS NOT THE ANSWER!" Pu- I mean Healer cookie says, "He's right! We shouldn't fight!!" Pure Sugar adds on, "Too late ive already decided, I WILL END THIS WELP RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW!" I reply, "your not fighting alone!" GingerBrave says, so we all fight "strawberry crepé cookie, and of course, we win, "HA, Beat that kid!" Chili pepper says, while laughing, wow, it felt good to win a true battle. "W-WHAT!? HOW DID YOU DEFEAT ME! T-THAT WAS A PRACTICE ROUND!! THAT DOESN'T COUNT!!" They pout, "Sorry kid, we won fair and square!" GingerBrave says, as we all move on.

As we are walking, everyone is talking to each other, so i just let myself slow down and get behind the group, as memories flood into my head..

Beginning Flashback!!

"Father, we cannot hide inside our walls any longer, the villagers need our guidance!!" Dark Choco explains, "He has a point father, these villages are also struggling for survival! The monsters are too much for them to handle.." Young Toffee explains, backing up Dark Choco, "Leave me be..." Dark Cacao replies, Young Toffee looks at Dark Choco and realizes him picking up his sword, "CHOCO NO!" Young Toffee yells, but it was too late...
"This isnt what i wished for.... FATHER!!"

End of Flashback!!

I suddenly appear on the back of Golden Parm.,"WHAT THE?!-" I yell, falling off of his back, "Are you ok Dark Toffee? You passed out back there..." Strawberry cookie asks. I did pass out? I thought i just zoned out... oh well.

After a bit, a cake hound that we ran into earlier ran into us, and he wanted us to follow him, somebody wanted to see us.

Dark Enchantress cookie and her team.

Healer cookie and Pure Sugar were in shock, i could tell, "Please sit down everyone! We have a long conversation ahead of us!" Dark Enchantress cookie said. Of course, Custard Cookie didn't mind and sat down, "may i take your luggage?" the cake from earlier asked, custard allowed him, but he looks right at me and i put my scythe behind my back and snarled at him, "Toffee..." Healer cookie said in a stern voice, i ignore him completely, i kinda felt bad but instinct y'know?. "You know its very disrespectful to not sit and listen? We were just gonna talk about the ancient heros! and how i will completely demolish their lands!" Dark Enchantress stated, Healer cookie was furious, "I shall not hide any longer!" As he takes off his bandages and his hood, I was right, It was pure vanilla, and pure sugar was crying, "Well, seems like we have an univited guest upon us.." Dark Enchantress states once again, so we all made a run for it, and i let everyone go, and i held the cake hounds and stuff off.

Once we reunited, Pure Vanilla was hugging Pure Sugar, and they were both crying "Im so sorry I hid from you my dear child..." Pure Vanilla said, pure sugar didn't respond cause she was crying, i lean on Golden Parm., "im glad she is reunited with he father..." I say to Parm. ,"agreed, but aren't you sad as well?" He asks, "well, not really, ive taught myself to be independent, and not count on my father, so i taught myself how to sword fight, because he was too busy with Dark Choco..." I reply, "But anyways, we should head out as soon as possible, we have a long way ahead of us.." I tell everyone, and they all agree, and pure vanilla said he would go too, which was nice, and finally.... i get to reunite with Caramel Arrow and Father...

word count- 830

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