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I need one of theese

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I need one of theese

Not just one


(Like 10-20 would be the amount i need)

And from what ive seen on amazon (the only place ive checked tbh-)

But i need theese ones specifically

Why you ask?

Because you can take it apart, put the legs and head together and discardthe torso/chest/arms/thing so it looks like

Because you can take it apart, put the legs and head together and discardthe torso/chest/arms/thing so it looks like

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(I would have an image but i lost the one of theese i had, if i find it this image will be replace)


I also wanna paint em as diffrent mincrafters i watch and then either just have them, or (if) i meet said minecrafters i just hand em the torso-less figure just like

And i think it would be both funny and cool

Anyways thats about it idk how to end rhis messege/idea but yea

If somekne sees this and ends up doing it tell the people it was my idea

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