New mission

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"You have a mission killer" a deep voice says as they walk into the cell

"How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?"

"Well here's the file you leave in the morning" the deep voice says then leaves the woman alone in her cell.
Cam Waters
Known as the Winter spider

Was taken by HYDRA at birth. Was raised and trained to be an assassin. Has the abilities of a spider and shoots webs out of her wrist, she also has enhanced abilities including Strength, speed, and senses. Cam is 35 years of age. Oh and can't forget shes has a dick.

Cam is being sent on a mission to kill and destroy the Avenger's. She needs to get the group of hero's to trust and attack when the backs are turned. She's used to this type of stuff so this should be a price of cake for the girl.

Next morning
Cam's POV

"Get up! Let's go Winter time to go!" One of the annoying guards say as I stare out the small window that's near the ceiling

"Yeah I'm up" I say and jump off the wall and walk to my cell door, he opens the door and puts me in cuffs

"You have a time period of six months to complete the mission. You have an apartment set up for you along with a phone, clothes, money, and essential needs" Jake explains. Jakes a cool guy, he's not bad but he works for HYDRA so he's not good either.

"Yeah I read the file, I got it" I tell him and he shakes his head

"Don't fuck this up Winter" He says as we make it outside and I see a black van with tinted windows waiting for me I'm guessing

"Don't worry Jake, I won't" I say and get in the back of the van after Jake takes the cuffs off me and chill until the relaxing car ride ends.

The car soon comes to a complete stop and I take that as my sign to get out, so I do, I get out and walk to the driver's side and Mike rolls down the window and hands me a small bag.

"Don't get killed winter" he says with a wink then drives off. I open the bag and see a key, a note, and some cash. The note tells me my appointment is the top penthouse. Sweat.

I make my way inside and up the elevator. I have to put the key in so I can get to the penthouse floor. The elevator doors open to a big living room fully furnished with a nice sized flat screen Tv. I walk inside and look around, the apartment has a nice sized kitchen, with a big living room that leads to a hall way where my room is I'm guessing. I walk down the hall way and enter the door at the end and walk around the big ass room that has a king size bed! I love it here already.

Some time later

I'm in my living room eating the amazing spaghetti I made, when something come crashing through the window!

"What the hell" I stand up and draw my gun and point it at the maniac in a red and blue suit who flew through my window

"Oh my god! I am so sorry, I- is that a gun!" A young voice comes from the suited figure

"Wait, your spider man huh?" I ask putting my gun down and looking over his appearance and he's all beat up, cuts all over his suit and he's bleeding a lot

"Yeah... I'm gonna go" he says pointing to the window

"No you're staying, your all beat up, and by the sound of your voice you're no older then 17" I tell him and he thinks for a second

"Go sit down kid I'll get the first aid kit, and you better not think of leaving" I threatened and leave the room going to the bathroom to find the first aid kit. Why am I about to help this kid, I'm a killer, an assassin... wait this is a good way to get closer to the Avengers.

I walk back to the kid with the first aid kit in hand and sit down next to him on the very comfy couch.

"So what happened?" I ask and he just sits there thinking wether or not he should let me help him

"I don't even know who you are" he says standing up and crossing his arms

"Ok well first off I'm Cam waltz, I'm ex military and I'm the one who's bout to help you and get you home" I tell him

"Oh umm, thank you for your service, and well as you know I'm spider man and I will not give you my name for security reasons" he says. I'm no ex military but the lie works and explains my combat and weapon skills

"No problem and sit down" I order him and he sits down while taking off his mask revealing a young brunette teen. "Kid, what your name? It's the least you could tell me"

"Peter. Peter Parker" he says, I knew he would break, he's just a kid. What is he doing out here fighting crime like he's lived a long life and has nothing to lose?

"Well Peter, after I patch you up you're going to take a shower and I'll give you a fresh pair of clothes and then I'll get you home" I explain and he just nods. I continue to patch him up and it looks like the smaller wounds are healing pretty quickly that's good.

"How long we're you in the military?" The kid randomly asks

"13 years. I joined when I was 18" I answered

"That's cool. What do you do now?" He asked yet another question

"Nothing at the moment, I just recently left the army" I lied smoothly

"Oh well maybe if you want to protect people still I can talk to the head of S.H.I.E.L.D." He offers and that would make my mission a lot easier

"Oh no you do t have to do that kid I can get back on my feet on my own" I say playing along

"No really it's no biggie, they need more people like you anyway" he tells me and I freeze. People like me kill for no reason, people like me are monsters, people like me are not capable of normal human emotions like care, joy or love, it's not possible.

"Well maybe one day I'll check it out if the allow me too" I say finishing patching up the kid "Follow me" I told him and head to where I think my room is. Thankfully I was right, I go into the closet hoping they put clothes in there and they did so I grab the kid a pair of sweatpants and black shirt some socks and of course underwear (boxers of course).

"Here" I say hand him the clothes and he says a soft 'thank you'. "The bathroom is that door right there and once you're done I will take you home"

Hey guys new story  idea lmk if you like it and want me to continue it.

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