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Cam's POV

Right now I am taking Peter by Stark industries to pick up something. My guess is it's a new suit or something to do with spider-man.

"Hey Cam, maybe you could talk to Mr.Stark about you talking to Director Fury" the kid suggests and it's not a bad idea, but I still haven't gotten settled in. Eh I'll be fine.

"Yeah I'll try" I briefly look over at him and he's just looking out the window without a care in the world.

We finally arrived at Stark's tower after about 10 minutes. We both get out the car and I follow him inside. As we enter we're greeted by Happy Hogan. I'm glad I read that file before I got here or else I would've been going in blind.

"Hey kid, who's this?" He says referring to me of course

"Cam. Cam waltz, ex military, I was just giving Peter here a ride" I say with a light smile, before Peter could speak and reach my hand out for him to shake

"Happy Hogan. How do you know Peter?" He continued to interrogate

"She helped me with my wounds after I smashed through her window" Peter explained and that's when Tony Stark enters the conversation coming from where ever he just came from

"Hey Peter I got your thing" He's says not even acknowledging me,

"Oh thanks Mr.Stark" he say taking a bag from the billionaire

"Oh who's this?" Tony says looking me up and down. Gross.

"Cam Waltz" I answer not bothering to give him a hand shake. Why would I, he's a complete asshole

"Well I would introduce myself but you know... I'm well known almost everywhere" he says smugly and I just wanna wipe that smirk off his face.

"Yes it's a pleasure to meet you sir" I say with a faux smile

"Oh Mr.Stark, Cam here is ex military and I know you guys are always looking for more people to help with you know" Peter says and glances at me

"Oh is that right? Where were you stationed" Stark asked

"I was mostly undercover sir, so I can not answer that question" I tell him hopefully he accepts that answer

"Alright well come by tomorrow at noon and I'll have someone bring you up" he says and pats Peter on the back then leaves wit Happy hot on his trail. That dick.

"Well that went well" Peter speaks up after a few seconds of silence

"Yeah, let's get you home kid" I say and we leave the building and go to the car

"Hey Cam?"

"Yeah what's up" I say as we enter the vehicle

"Do you think you could help me with my combat?" He asked and to be honest I'm surprised he asked me

"I can yeah, but why don't you just have one of the Avengers help you?" I asked and start the car heading towards Peters apartment

"Well they think I'm too young and not ready so the want me to learn on my own" he replies sadly. Those pricks, why not just help the kid? Why leave him to fend for himself?

"Yeah I'll help you, just let me know when you're free and we can train at my apartment" I say giving the kid a smile

"Thank you. It's nice and all to have Mr.Stark provide me with suits but he treats me like some random charity case" Peter says with his head down

"I get it kid. Trust me, once you get stronger they'll be forced to look at you as an equal" I tell him. Why am I wasting my time on this kid? I'm on a mission. At least I don't have to kill him, he's a good and smart kid.

After about a 20 minute drive we arrived. I park in the back for safety reasons and get out the car.

"Cam what are you doing?" Peter asked after getting out as well

"Well if my kid was hanging around and getting rides from some stranger I would want to meet them" I tell him, holding the door of the entrance open for him

"Oh yeah. Fair enough" he say and enters the building leading me to his apartment

"Oh and by the way I live with my aunt May" he informed. His aunt, interesting.

I don't say anything as we walk up the stairs and to his door. He takes out his keys and unlocks the door letting us in

"I'm home" he shouts and a beautiful middle aged woman comes it the kitchen

"Hey honey, who's your guest?" She asked drying her hand off

"Can waltz, I'm gonna be helping your nephew with some school work of his and with other stuff if that's okay with you" I say respectfully

"Oh yeah of course, that's no problem. As long as you're keeping him out of trouble" she teases 

"Ok I think Cam needs to go now. Right?" He says giving me a pleading look making me smile

"Oh yeah I need to go. But I'll be in touch" I tell them handing May a piece of paper with my number on it

"Ok well it was nice meeting you ma'am" she says

"Oh please, just call me Cam all that other stuff is to formal for me" I say waving her off

"See you Cam" Peter says with a genuine smile and with that I leave shutting the door behind me

Once I'm out the building I get in my car and notice someone in the backseat.

"Who are you? And what do you want?" I ask look at the read head woman in my backseat. Wait, it's Natasha Romanoff, aka Black Widow. I'm guessing Tony looked into me.

"Natasha Romanoff with S.H.E.I.L.E.D. and we need you to come in" she answers

"For what reason?"

"The reason that the name you gave us was false and we have reason to believe that you are ex Hydra" She tells me, well shit, at least they think I'm ex Hydra.

"Fine" I say and get out the car and she gets out behind me


"That a negative" I cut her off and she raises her eyebrow

"It's either you cooperate or I force you" she threatened

"I would like to see you try sweetheart" I challenged, I watch in slow motion as she goes to shoot her widow bites at me, but before she gets the chance I jump up and flip over her and shoot a web at both her wrists, of course landing perfectly. I web her hands together and do the same to her legs before she tries kicking me. I slightly push her forward making her land on her knees.

"Well you tried" I say and walk around her so I'm now in front of the Widow

"Let me go!" She demands trying to break free of the webs

"Nope, I kinda like this view from here" I say looking down at her as she looks up at me,

"You bitch" is all she says, I walk closer to her and grab her arm telling her to stand up, she does as says and I pick her up and put her on my shoulder

"Let's get you in the car and because you called me a bitch I'm putting you in the trunk" I say with a smirk even though she can't see it. I walk to the back of the car with a struggling Avenger in my grasp.

"Put! Me! Down!" She tries demanding again causing me to laugh

"You're so persistent and I hate it" I say opening the trunk and putting her in it

"Just wait un-

"Yeah yeah, I don't care" I say after I web her mouth shut then close the trunk.

I know this looks bad, but I swear I'm taking her back to that stupid big tower. I promise.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2023 ⏰

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