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Its currently 6am, and I'm tired out of my mind so I apologise for any grammar/spelling errors. I'm gonna write a few more chapters of this, may be angst, may be fluff or smut, I'm gonna make another story cause there's barely any ronance stories that people haven't read, (I'm looking at you, robinsstepstool.) I'm listening to tv by billie eilish, I am really trying my hardest not to make this sad.

rewritten cause i was gonna get killed if they parted again 😭

TW J*SON, HOMOPHOBIC SLURS, i can't go a day without angst im sorry.

That was it, the power couple were finally back together, it was creeping up on their two months since they got back together and Robin had quite the idea for a date, she had remembered Nancys favourite flowers were dandelions, she figured she'd take her to a field and go on a picnic date.

"Hey Nance!!"

"Yeah Robs?"

"Can you meet me at the dandelion field at 6pm?"

"Robin, this is so out of the blue, what are you planning, I know it's our two months today but why are you doing this?"

"Well you see, you're gonna have to wait and see."


It was 5:30pm, Nancy had already gotten ready about an hour prior, she couldn't wait anymore so she just decided to leave, she blasted a cassette that Robin had given her, it mostly consisted of Madonna, Queen, Tears For Fears and The Cure.

She arrived at the field at about 5:55pm, the sun was already setting, it was winter after all.

She started to walk through the field and saw Robin there, but she also saw another familiar face, J*son Carver, he was standing out of sight of Robin but Nancy could see him, she knew this wasn't going to go well.

"NANCY!" Robin ran up to the shorter girl and hugged her.

"Rob, be careful, J*sons here."


"He's beside the tree with his little goons, i have a gun in the back of my car, it's quite small so it isn't noticeable in my pocket, lets go." She whispered in to taller girls ear.

They walked towards the car and grabbed the gun.

"Why the fuck is he here."

"Robin, I honestly don't know."

They started to walk back towards where the picnic was set up, and as expected J*son walked over to them.

"Huh, so you're the town faggots?"

"J*son fuck off."

"And what are you gonna do about it Slut? You decided to move on from the boys i see." He said this while repeatedly pushing Nancy.

"J*son, if you don't stop I swear."

"You swear what?"

Nancy just punched him.

"You're gonna regret that one, Wheeler."

He tried to throw a punch at her face but she blocked him.

"Oh wow J*son, you just got stopped by a fucking woman, how does it feel?"

"Nancy, wow you're a big strong woman, but I don't think you could beat 4 of us." He motioned his friends to come over.

"Oh really?" She pulled her gun out of her pocket.

"I bet that thing has nothing in it."

She shot a bullet past his shoulder.

"The next ones not gonna miss if you don't fuck off."

"Jeez okay Wheeler."

I have writers block so this is the end of this chapter, I'll make the next chapter at least a thousand words to make up for the lack of updates and short chapters :)

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