chapter 2

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                                       Chapter 2

        The wind was cold, bitterly so, as he walked down the street leading towards the park. He didn’t care though. He barely felt it, his mind on one thing. He needed a fix, and he needed it now. He could feel the effects of withdrawal getting worse and worse as the day had progressed. He had managed to hold off during rehearsal and even through the stupid dinner his moronic manager had made them attend, but when he made it back to the apartment he and his band mates shared, the feeling just doubled. This is how he found himself calling his dealer, and making the 20 minute walk to the park. There’s no way he would bring him back to the apartment.

        At the age of 20 Yuri plisetsky had been battling addiction for the last 4 years, pressures of being famous and his home situation leading him to look for an outlet for the stress. His mother had him young, at only 17, while she was at the high of being an idol, and his father took off quickly when he realized she was pregnant. It was made apparent his mother wasn’t cut out for motherhood not long after his birth. She wanted to party with her friends and get drunk all the time, sometimes leaving him home alone to fend for himself at the age of 3, sometimes for days at a time. It wasn’t until his grandpa, nikolai, took custody of him when he was days shy of his 4th birthday, that Yuri was actually happy. His grandpa was the one who taught him his love for music as well as food, specifically pirozhki. Sadly he still had to see his mother whenever she wanted to play mother, mostly for the press or for her new rich friends she made after meeting and marrying a new husband. Those interactions always ended in screaming matches and fights, especially when she acted like she was the one who raised him. When in fact she’s the one who lead him into this life of drugs and alcohol. She was the one who gave him his first beer at 12 and his first hit of heroin at the age of 15, all so her ‘friends’ could have some fun.

        He quickly shut down the flashbacks racing through his mind and quickened his pace. Once he got his fix he wouldn’t be able to think anymore. He would have the blissful peace the heroin provided. He saw the entrance to the park just ahead and broke into an easy sprint, stopping once he reached the agreed upon meeting spot. Georgi was already waiting, sitting on a bench smoking his cigarette while texting someone, another ‘client’ no doubt.

        “Ah, Yurochka! There you are! I was beginning to wonder if you were actually coming. I know how hard it must be to escape your guard dog!” the ghastly looking Russian chuckled, tossing his cigarette butt to the ground.

        “Don’t ever call me that again, you bastard. I’m not here to talk, do you have what I asked for or not!?” Yuri growled, standing next to the bench with clenched teeth and fists. He was in no mood to fuck with this creep.

“Yea, I got it. Sit the money on the bench while I get it for you. You know you could stand to learn some manners. One day you’re going to run into someone who won’t tolerate your smart ass mouth, pretty as it is.”

        A few hours later, Yuri found himself laying on his bed staring blankly at the ceiling. Usually his mind was quiet after getting his fix. It was as if the world around him didn’t exist, that he was the only one that was in the infinite void. That was not the case tonight. He kept replaying the phone call he’d had earlier in the week with his grandpa. His mother was back in town, and she wanted to see him, more like she wanted to show him off to her newest fling or one of her ‘friends’ daughters. No matter how many times he had told her he wasn’t interested in women, she continued to try to play match maker.

        He knew he would have to see her, grandpa wouldn’t let him out of it, saying she was still his mother no matter how she abandoned him time and time again unless she needed him to show off to people. Her famous rock star son who helped her whenever she needed. If it wasn’t for the fact his grandpa would be hurt, he would have told her where she could go years ago. Would have exposed all the shit she had done to him, let others do to him. But grandpa couldn’t handle that, it would kill him. And Yuri couldn’t do that to the one person who had ever shown him any form of actual love. So now he was going to be meeting her tomorrow at an overly priced restaurant where it was $20 for a salad and the booze was top shelf. He was going to suffer through her playing at mother of the year, and there was nothing he could do about it.

As he was contemplating the many ways he wanted to tell her off, to tell her to stay the hell out of his life, his phone rang. Looking at the screen, he almost threw his phone with a scream. She was calling him, probably to make sure he knew he was to behave tomorrow and not embarrass her. He considered letting her go to voicemail, but quickly tossed the idea from his mind, if he did that, she would call back or make grandpa call him to make him answer. He sighed and swiped the accept button.

        “Da. What is it mother, I’m busy.” He answers boredly allowing his Russian accent to come out more than usual.

        “Yuri plisetsky! You will talk to me with respect. I am your mother, not one of your riff raff friends. I swear you were raised with better manners than this. Where did I go wrong with you.” She practically growls before sighing loudly. “regardless of your attitude, I am calling to make sure you are on your best behavior tomorrow. We are meeting with one of my most influential friends and their daughter, she is an absolute angel, so beautiful and smart, plus she’s quite famous. You would make a wonderfully beautiful couple. Just imagine the possibilities. You will not show your ass tomorrow, do you understand me! This is an opportunity for me, for us!” there it was. She was trying to set him up, and it was to benefit herself.

        “mother we have discussed this, one I am not attracted to women, two, I could truly care less who she is, if she is anything like you I want nothing to do with her! The only reason I still associate with you at all is because of grandpa. I will come tomorrow. I will be polite as I can. We will eat. We will leave, you will get your monthly payment and you will leave me alone.” He practically growled into the phone, his high completely gone.

        “Yuri! You should have gotten out of that phase of being curious about men long ago. Stop this nonsense immediately. You have a public image that you must protect, especially as it reflects upon me. You are going to have to settle down one of these days, and it will be with a woman of good standing. Now I am done with this nonsense. Be at the restaurant at seven pm. Not a moment later. I will see you tomorrow.” And with that she ended the call. This time he did scream and throw this phone across the room, watched as it bounced off the wall and fall on the floor. Thankfully he had remembered to put the case on it or it would have shattered. If anyone had heard him they didn’t acknowledge it.

        ‘Damn that vedma. I wish she would just fall off the face of the earth already. Do us all a favor and die.’ He snarled inwardly getting up from his bed and making his way to his en suite bathroom. He needed a shower.

        As he adjusted the taps in the massive shower, shower heads pointed in every possible direction, to get the water to the hottest temperature possible without melting his skin off, he sighed. Why couldn’t he have been born with parents who weren’t garbage. Parents who loved him. Once the water was to his liking he began stripping, catching his reflection in the floor length mirrors, the scars of his past clearly visible littered across his body. Some from fights he’d been in, some caused by needles, quite a few caused by others, and even more caused by himself. He quickly turned away and stepping under the spray, sighing softly as the hot water washed away the memories fighting to resurface from where he had shoved them down, as well as the days grime.

        As he washed his long thick blond hair his mind continued to drift into more comfortable topics. Such as the concert they had coming up this weekend, where they would be opening for another band, which for the life of him he couldn’t care to remember the name of. Also the lyrics of the newest song he had been working on for almost a month, it was almost done, just needed a few more tweaks and he would be able to run it by the others and their manager, Yakov.

        When he got out of the shower, he purposely walked by the mirror without looking, going to his room and donning a long sleeve shirt and sweats, before going out to the kitchen to find food.

After searching for anything that even remotely sounded appetizing and coming up disappointed, he settled on a bowl of cereal for his meager supper, too tired to make anything else. As he ate he made a mental note of things that needed to be done over the next few days; grocery delivery being one of them, he tried to push the meeting with his mother from his mind. There was already so much on his plate, most of which he could handle, but this was something he dreaded, something that just added to his already chaotic day. He just hope he made it out of it in one piece.

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