Chapter 1

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"Cassie wake up, come on, we're going to be late" the irritating voice of Draco Malfoy grumbled across my room. Sighing, I rolled over and look at the mess of ice-blonde hair on his head as he woke me up from the four-hour slumber I was blessed with last night. It still brought a smile to my face that I would finally be back with him and Kai this year. Sleep never came easy to me it was too quite in the manor and to loud in my head. It was a time when I was completely and utterly alone with my thoughts. The taunting voices of my subconscious came out to cause terror in my mind and the fog that used to be a constant in my mind begins to spread again. I would take a breath, take a book or play music. If I distracted myself from the past and look to the future, reminding myself that I was getting better, It was improvements. "look forwards not back my darling" Cissy always told me.

I was now face to face with the narrow grey eyes and scowl of Draco Malfoy. "you haven't slept at all have you" his eyes softened as he takes in my appearance. With worry evident on his pointed face I smile "Dray I'm fine I promise, I slept fine, ok" I say pulling back to the covers to pack my last-minute items in my trunk. "I'm sorry I forgot to set an alarm. I won't be long. meet me downstairs?" Worry still in his eyes, he nods and thankfully leaves it be "Ok but, but please hurry. Father is in a bad mood." The atmosphere in the room shifted I nodded and began to get ready as quickly as possible with a lump forming in my throat.

Looking at myself in the mirror I assessed the outfit Cissy picked out for me. Lucius said it had to be 'appropriate', so she laid an outfit for me in my dressing room. I had a challenging relationship with mirrors I think a lot of people do. When I look into the floor length mirror I still saw the "Worthless girl with to many flaws to count. She was ugly and unloved. a problematic girl with too many issues" it was getting better though it wasn't so loud. I did what Mrs Barlowe told me and picked out one good thing about myself. I  liked my hair today Cissy and I sat up last night and did it and that was something to hold onto. "Improvement, look forward not back you got this" I told myself taking a breath. "Dobby oh crap  I mean, Missy" I momentarily forgot  dobby was no longer a permanent figure in Malfoy Manor, Harry Potter had freed the elf that longed for freedom and I couldn't be more grateful to him. That poor house elf went through just as much is not more than we did at the hands of the man who owned this house. Yet still dobby looked after us with the brightest smile and the kindest eyes. That little elf was fearless and loyal to those who he saw as friends and I had many memories with him from my childhood.

"Yes miss Missy is here" she bowed, her nose grazing the floor, "Missy how are you today? I know you weren't  in good shape yesterday I am so sorry for that" I sympathise with the house elves in this manor I felt their pain I lived it. Big doe-like blue eyes meet mine with tears glistening in them "Missy is fine miss as long as miss Black is" the trembling in her small body the evidence of her pain which she refuses to show. House elves have a strength that can't be compared to bear what the old sacred families put them through, I hate it. Kneeling to wrap my arm around Missy to give her both comfort and friendship she froze. "NO, miss must not. She can't get in trouble. Missy can't let miss get into trouble. Missy will take Miss's bags down, yes, Missy will do that, know" she vanished out of sight with my luggage in hand. The thoughts of a certain red head trickled into the back of my mind as unease about seeing him again arose, I never got the explain it all to him. He's going to hate me.

Keeping the practised smile on my face, I cleared my head of the remaining cobwebs and Walked down to the foyer bracing myself for what is to come. I noticed that everyone was waiting; great, I hope he wasn't waiting long. "I TOLD YOU TO BE READY BY 10 ITS FIVE MINUTES PAST WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF, YOU UNGRATEFUL GIRL" his voice bellowed across the room. I repeated my mantra it's not that bad. It's ok. it going to be ok. you can take it. Keeping my eyes cast down, I spoke into the defining silence " Sorry I missed my alarm". Draco and Cissy are statues by the fireplace bodies tense and mask pulled over their emotions. "Lucius come now, we mustn't be late", came the soft voice of his wife. "YOU MISSED YOUR ALARM, MISSED YOU ALARM. DID I OR DID I NOT SAY BE HERE AT TEN THAT IS WHAT I TOLD YOU DID I NOT YOU WORTHLESS GIRL. I GIVE YOU FOOD AND A ROOF OVER YOU HEAD. AND YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING WORTHWHILE CAN YOU" his malice gaze sharpening on me " YOU COULD GIVE US THE SATISFACTION OF KILLING YOURSELF COULD YOU" the gasps of shock that fluttered across the room were like nails on a chalkboard. Don't let his voice in, don't let him get to you. Words can hurt you. His words mean nothing; you got this breath. I keep repeating the same words trying to keep him out. "Lucius, that's enough. We must go," the stern voice of Narcissa Malfoy interrupted the mantra. Missy appeared in the room a little too close to him and knocked over his cane. Her floppy ears covered her eyes as she cowered in fear. "YOU", he went to strike her. "NO DON'T, STOP IT" I yell, running to protect her I didn't think I just reacted that was my first mistake. "It was an accident. She didn't mean to" I begged.

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