The beginning isn't beautiful

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Brooklyn Bella Gatina

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Brooklyn Bella Gatina

The day was a silent one filled with tension. There was a sadness that filled the town, the sky, and just overall, it felt like the world stood still. My right hand interlocked with Lydia, her blonde hair was down, and her usual smile was gone entirely. My other hand was interlocked with her sister, Olivia ; her usually perfect makeup was smeared. I looked up at the stand. Jamie, their older brother, stood there. I had never seen him so broken. The tears from his eyes seemed like a never-ending stream.

He coughed, choking the tears back as he sighed, "Hello everyone, My name is James Scott. I was Madison's boyfriend. I want to thank you all for being here today. If Mads was here, I'm sure she'd be surprised by all of you being here. She never really understood how much of an affect she had on people. She would've cried just like I'm sure a lot of us are doing right now. Mads was the girl I thought I'd spend the rest of my life with.

I've known her for what feels like forever. I was lucky enough to be with my best friend for most of my life, and now I have no idea how I'm going to live without her. She was on her way to me when a drunk driver hit her car head-on. When I got the call, I didn't believe she was gone. I still have yet to accept that she is gone. Today though, this is reality, and all I can say is it fucking sucks.

Today we have to say goodbye to the biggest sunshine that walked this Earth. Tonight we'll look up at the sky and see a new bright star, and that'll be Madison looking over all of us. I don't know why she had to leave, but it better be a goddamn good reason because she was a light in the darkness of humanity."  He ran a hand through his hair before he nodded and walked off the stage.

He sat in the row in front of us next to the Landrys, Madison's parents. As soon as he sat down, tears started. I felt Lydia pull her hand away from mine and watched as she put them on Jamie's shoulders.I was not the closest to Madison compared to some of the others here, but I knew I needed to come and pay my respect and offer my moral support to everyone. The service was beautiful.

We all made our way out of the church and filed into different cars to head to the Scotts' residence. I was in the car with Lydia, Olivia, Jamie, and their parents. The car ride was insanely quiet.

My arms were linked with Olivia and Lydia as we made our way into the house. Jamie immedality made his way out into the backyard, trying to get away from all the people; I didn't blame him. This situation would be challenging for anyone, and this isn't something you would think could happen to yourself until it does.

I gave him a minute before I went and checked on him, "Hey, I am gonna go get some air." I told Lydia and Olivia before heading out. They both nodded; I think they knew I was going to check on him. I don't think they had the strength to, at least, not on that day. I could see Jamie in the distance sitting on a bench. I made my way over to him and took a seat next to him. I grabbed his hand, squeezing it; I wanted him to know I was there for him and that he wasn't alone.

" Do you want some food? You need to eat, " He shook his head, not saying a single word to me.
"Just let me know if you need anything; I'm here for you,'' I say, giving his hand another squeeze before letting him be alone once again. I didn't want to hover.

If I were him, I'd also want to be alone. I started to make my way back towards the house when my boyfriend, Leland Adams,
walked towards me. We'd been together for a year, but we'd known each other longer. I had known him long enough to know when he was upset, and he was pissed off as he walked towards me.

I flinched as he grabbed me by my upper arm. I tried to pull away, but his grip tightened on me; all I could say was, "Don't do this here, please. It is not the place or time to cause a scene," I say in a hushed tone, not wanting to draw unwanted eyes. "We can talk about whatever you're pissed off about when we leave back to my place, okay?" We made our way into the house, and his grip loosened from my upper arm, leaving behind some red marks. I didn't understand where all his anger came from lately; it seemed like every little thing I did would piss him off. I walked on eggshells around him.

I fixed my black dress brushing my hands over it. I had to straighten up despite Leland's unnecessary aggression. Today wasn't about that. It was about Madison. The house was filled with all of Madison's loved ones; they were just talking and keeping her memory alive. I could feel Leland getting more irritated, which means it was time for us to go. I couldn't let him make a scene here.

Not Today.

I sighed as I walked over to the Scott family, saying my goodbyes. I paid my respects to the Landry family before turning and seeing Leland at the door. He harshly motioned with his head to get going, which I saw Lydia had taken notice. I swallowed hard, looking down. I could see the worry on her face, and I knew if it weren't for the crowd, she'd go off. I grabbed her hand, slightly squeezing it and gave her a faint smile. I was hoping to reassure Lydia, but I knew it wouldn't work.

I just didn't want her or Olivia or anyone to worry about me and my problems with the massive loss they all just had in their lives. To be honest, I don't remember the fight or what happened between Leland and me that night.

I believe it was something like I was " too flirty " with Jamie. This was complete bullshit if you ask me. But I do remember it was one of the worst arguments we have ever been in, and we were the type of couple that was always going at it.

We were at each other's throats 24/7. Everyone knew that because we were terrible at secrets, and he wasn't good at hiding our issues, but neither was I. I loved him despite it all. I loved him with every inch of the chaos and flaws that were shown.

AN: chapter 1 is officially up and out and we hope you enjoy this chapter,Leland is an asshole we know but please as always give it some love and votes etc.

— kenakixoxo

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— kenaki

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