Dare #3

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Sashaweeb0 "Have them figure out who everyone's crush is, the Cyber Blazers, the professors, and their fellow teammates."

Hotshot:"Hehehe I like this person's thinking!! Well I already know Scorch has the Hotshot for that 1 girl on the cyber blazers....but I think he might also have a small crush on Whirl?? Idk we can find out  though!"

Wedge:"Actually I think we should start with our tteammates?"

Hotshot:"Fine let's go figure out Medix..."

Medix:"So wait what are you saying Hoist?"

Hoist:"I'm saying I need your help with Whirl! I just need to know is it a bad idea to tell her now?!"

Medix:"I think you will know when the time is right! Oh there's the new recruit! Anyway you'll know Hoist...uh seeya"

Wedge:"Well we came for Medix but we got Hoist!"

Hotshot:"I actually don't think Medix has a crush on anyone right now! Just kidding I'm sus of the new recruit now:>!"

Wedge:"Okay well we can ignore that she basically got here not even a week ago, Medix probably sees her as a friend, or aquantince."

Hotshot:Okay well I don't think we will have enough time to get the new recruit. Also she's new she can't really have a crush on anyone she doesn't know!"

Wedge:"Tru-! Wait is Professor Blades and Professor Boulder!!!"

Hotshot:"Let's just hide an listen....."

Boulder:"So how have you been doing Blades?"

Blades:"Pretty good! Nothing has really been happening, apart from the fact I can't stop thinking about Bumblebee...."

Hotshot:"hehe gottem"

Chase:"And what did you get? Oh I know detention for eavesdropping on faculty!"


Wedge:"Aw man..."

Heatwave:"This is starting to get ridiculous..."


Heatwave:"What dare?"

Hotshot:"We need to figure out everyone's crush including the faculty, and the Cyber Blazers...."

Heatwave:"Because Im getting tired of seeing you two in my office, ill save you time. Boulder, Chase, and I don't have crushes. Now you guys can go and, good luck."

Hotshot:"Thank you Professor Heatwave!!"

Hotshot:"Ima just....call someone..Hey Scorch just really quick do you have any crushes?? Aight thanks. He's planning to ask the girl on the team out. And he sees Whirl as a friend."

Wedge:"Okay, how does the girl feel?"

Hotshot:"He just said...She accepted!!"

Wedge:"Well congratulations to them!!"

Hotshot:"Pretty sure the other dude doesn't have a crush."

Wedge:"Okay all that's left is Whirl!"

Hotshot:"Let's go!"

Whirl:"Hmmm hm hm hm...."

Hoist:"HI Whirl!!"

Whirl:"Oh hi Hoist, how are you doing..?"

Hoist:"Uh just asking could you mEet me on the cliff just a little before sunset?"


Hotshot:"Go Hoist!!"

Wedge:"I'm just glad Scorch doesn't have a thing for Whirl!"

Author:"You will here more about this in another book :>."

Hotshot x Wedge ask or dare!!Where stories live. Discover now