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(Written by Columbina)
I turned around to see my little brother. "Where are you going?" He asked, rocking on his heels.
"Babysitting." I answered. I love him with all my heart but I don't want to be late. It's me against the clock.
"I didn't know you did babysitting." He replied, grabbing on to the tip of my coat.
"It's my first day-", my eyes wandered to the clock, "-Ah! Crap, sorry, um." I'm very stupid when it comes to words. "Shit, turtle, bouncing tits- gah poosay!" I spat out, searching for the correct words. Thank god my brother isn't fucking five anymore.
"You're going to be late?" He titled his head, a smug look on his face.
"Yes! Yes! Late tits- meee." I replied, he let go of my coat. I opened the door and ran as fast as I could to the house. Wait- fuck why didn't I fucking take the train? God, I'm so fucking stupid. What the fuck? Well, it's too late now. Shit.

(Written by me)
I finally get to the house. Out of breath, I look up at the house. Damn these people are rich, what the fuck-. I walk up to the door and ring the doorbell. The door opens and I see a tall brunette woman. This bitch was built like the other mother from Coraline. "Oh. Hello. You must be... the babysitter? I'm Mary." She trailed off. "Omera. Nice to meet you!" I extended my hand out to her. She hesitantly grabs my hand with her fingertips, looking at it as if I had just picked up dog shit spit in it. Rude. "Well why are you just standing there? Come inside, idiot." I walk in the house and slight the scent of cigarettes hits me. I look around the room and see a big buff man with a pointy ass chin like gud daymn you could cut a hole through a rock with that thing.

(Written by Columbina)
"OHO R U THE BABYSITTER?!?!" "AHA FINALLY SOMEONE TO WIPE MY KIDS' ASSES BC I'M TOO BIG AND ALPHA TO DO IT MYSELF." Ouch. My fucking ears. Lesson learnt, the bigger the chin the smaller the brain. I opened my mouth to ask where the kids were, however I suppose the weirdo was five steps ahead of me. "OHO BTW THE KIDS R UPSTAIRS KISSING CAT EMOJI THEY MAY HAVE SOILED THEIR LITTLE DIAPER BTW SO SHIT BTW I GOTTA GO GET SOME FUCKING PUSS BYE." Why the fuck were they so loud? My ears were basically cumming. I crawled upstairs like a dying rabbit. Why the fuck weren't there doors? Hello? I turned my head in around 50 directions, only spotting another set of stairs in the 50th direction. I took a deep ass breath. God, why am I so physically weak. I got on all fours and started crawling up that abnormally long set of stairs. Fuck- wait. SHIT IT'S A WHOLE ASS FLIGHT OF STAIRS. PLEASE. HAVE MERCY I'M WEAKER THAN A CRACKER. 😭😭😭 PLEASEE I'M GOING TO FUCKING PISS MYSELF MY COOCHIE IS BURNING.

(written by me)
I FINALLY get up the flight of millions of stairs and see a hallway with 10 doors. Why are there so many rooms wtf-. I walk past a few of them hearing porn through one of the doors. Like at least turn it down smh. Anyways so I walk in the one with crayon writing on the doors assuming its the one the kids are in. I walk in and see 2 kids, b̶o̶t̶h̶ ̶g̶i̶r̶l̶s̶,̶ one wearing a cat hoodie and the other wearing nikocado avocado merch looking ready to call nancy on a bitch. "Oh B̶e̶a̶u̶, you're such an idiotic imbecile. You're doing it WRONG!!!" The one wearing the cat hoodie says, snatching the legos from who I'm assuming is Beau and putting them together. How does this 6 yr old know vocabulary. Oh well. I then hear loud ass footsteps walking to the room. "WE'RE LEAVING NOW. BYE POOSAYS." says the loud man from earlier. At this point my ears are gonna fall off and disintegrate. He stomps back down the stairs eventually falling forwards down the stairs. "Sorry for my husband. That's C h a d. He doesn't know how to wipe his own asscheeks" Of course he's chad. "Goodbye gorls, we're leaving now. Be good and don't shit yourselves." Mary says. "Okay mommy." The one in the cat hoodie says. Soon Mary leaves. "So, what's your names, little shits?"

(Written by Columbina)
"I'm Beatrice, the obviously better one. And we don't talk about her lmao ugly" The shit in the cat hoodie says. "Who is I'm and why are they beating rice?" The nikoavocado merch dumbass says. "Ugh stfu Beau this is why ur mama dead😡." God damn that cat hoodie poosay is mean as shit. "crying emoji" HUH??? How tf does someone say crying emoji outload. My brain is melting. "What about you, nancy merch poosoayy😩😩😏😏😏😡😡😡😡😡😡." "What?" Omg I swear it's the fucking porn dude why is it so load I'm gonna cry. "I ASKED FOR UR FUCKING NAME DUMB DUMB" 🐎💨I'm gonna throw these dumbasses out the window I swear on Venus. "Beau." Who tf names their child Beau? Suddenly I hear a little ding dick from my phone. I check and omg Kwite is getting married to springtrap LIVE?? 🙀🙀🙀🙀 OMG I MUST WATCH. "Buckle up kids we gonna watch Kwite." "I don't wanna☹️" I take the one in the cat hoodie and slam that dumb dumb into the toilet. "🙀" I check again and omg the stream hasn't even started yet. I shit piss and cry but for whatever reason that Beau kid is looking at me weird. 🐱🐈💨 I'm fr fr gonna burn these mfs someday I swear on my ghost dick.

(written by me)
All of a sudden Beatrice shits herself and starts crying. "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH-" I swear I'm so close to throwing this bitch out a window. "SHUT UP" I yell and burn her diaper.

(Written by Columbina)
KWEITE WEDDING STREAM GOT CANCELED BC HE WENT TO READ FNF FANFICATION 😼🤱 time to big cry. I decide to open ao3 and write some smut. Goddamn my hotass got it to 100k words 😩. 1 chapter, lumine x hydro samachurl. 🤱omg it's been 0.00000000000000001 seconds since I posted it and I still got no views, no kudos, no hot comments. I'm gonna cry 🐎💨.

silly billy gone into my willy 🙀🙀🙀 (smut) (angst) (Rated - R)Where stories live. Discover now