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Okay, I knows it's not just me that loves doing edits and covers for fanfics but absolutely hates writing chapters, like, it feels so cool editing but when you get to write the actually chapter you're just like. 🧍🏻‍♀️ this is boring

Unless you're actually obsessed with the story then you get what I'm trying to say, but anyway

U have like 20 drafts and their plots are all so cool but I know if I ever upload them, my inspiration and motivation will go 📉📉📉

And it's so much worse when people start to comment "update please" like: thanks so much for reading and loving this but I'm not really in the mood to write, I write when I want to write and when I get creative which is mostly at 3:00

But anyway, that's that,

— tina 🫶😘

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