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Katara joined Zuko and Iroh to the mission of catching the avatar. Aang and Sokka discovered of what happened to Aang's home and to his mentor and went all Avatar but Sokka was able to calm him down and made a new lemur friend, Momo

Sokka and Aang travels around on Appa until they took a break from flying and went to a big lake with a water fall "come on Appa you need to get washed up" Aang said while he gets the gunk off from between Appa's toes "ok first step to learn the elements would be water, so we are already heading to Northern water tribe" Sokka said looking at his map "maybe I should practice bending water while we are here" Aang said and started to bend small amounts of water "what we need would be a water bending scroll" Sokka said "there's a village near by so maybe we can check there" Aang suggests then his and Sokka's stomach growls "right after some food first" Aang said scratching the back of his head.

At the fire nation ship
Zuko trains with his soldiers while Katara walks on the ship's edges very carefully as she has her hands behind her back as she smiles "Katara you're gonna fall" Zuko said walking next to her "why'd you say that?" Katara said and Zuko slightly pushes Katara "woah!" Katara falls to the water but bended herself back onto the ship all wet "very funny" Katara says as she bends all the water off her getting all dry "hmph I did warned you" Zuko said as he kept on walking away, Katara bends the water "hey Zuko heads up!" she does a water whip at the back of his head "gh! ggrr! Katara!" Zuko turns around and stomps towards her "what? I did give you a 'heads up'" Katara said "You are still the same annoying brat!" Zuko yelled "Oh! well 'sorry' that thick head of yours can't take a 'petty' hit!" Katara yelled crossing her arms "if you are to join this mission, you should start respecting me!" Zuko yelled as steam started to show from his head that is a bit wet from the water whip "yes sir, captain jerk bender sir!" Katara straightens up and salutes very sarcastically "if I was sent on this mission, I would've beat the old man of an avatar better than you did" Katara pokes Zuko's chest hard "and yet here I am, facing the banished fire prince and he wouldn't admit when he needs help, how embarrassing it must be for you" Katara said, Zuko clenches his hands summoning his fire while Katara readies the water on the ship, they both glared at each other as their imaginary glaring spark hits each other. The other soldiers watches as the fight was about to be unleashed but the boat turns and made them both fall "someone is changing our course I'll deal with you later, Katara" Zuko said her name as if it was poison and walked to the captain chambers.

"what's the meaning of this mutiny? No one told you to change course!" Zuko said "actually someone did, I assure you it is a matter of utmost importance, Prince Zuko" Iroh said "is it something to do with the avatar?" Zuko said with a bit of hope "or leaving Katara on an Island to get her out of my hair?" Zuko said "no, even more urgent but that was rather rude, prince Zuko" Iroh said but Zuko rolled his eyes "it seems I've lost my lotus tile" Iroh said as he plays Pai-sho "lotus tile?" Zuko said in disbelief and the hope that he had for both things he just lost it "for my Pai-sho game, most people think the lotus tile insignificant but it is essential for the unusual strategy that I employ, just give me 10 minutes at the supermarket for a moment, hopefully they'll have the lotus tile in stock and I can get on with my life" Iroh said, Zuko takes very deep breaths and breathed out fire in anger "I'm glad you are very understanding, Zuko" Iroh said as smoke covers up the room

Sokka and Aang was able to buy some food supplies and Aang bought a bison whistle, as they pass by a ship a pirate called out to them " hey any of you interested in some merchandise?" Sokka and Aang looked up seeing a guy with earrings and light and dark green clothing. Sokka and Aang looked around inside the ship "hey Aang look" Sokka whispered as he grabbed a scroll that had a water symbol "a water bending scroll..."Aang whispered "we found what we need!" Sokka said being very happy "how did you get a water bending scroll" Aang asked but the captain of the ship slammed his hand on the scroll "let's just say I got it from up north at the most reasonable price" the captain said and Sokka thinks "hmmm...you guys are pirates!" he points at one of them "we like to think of ourselves as high risk traders" one of the pirates said "so uh how much is for the traded scroll?" Aang said feeling a bit nervous "I've already got a buyer, a nobleman, unless of course you two kids have 200 gold pieces in your pockets" the captain said "don't worry Sokka, I know how to deal with these guys, pirates love to haggle" Aang determinedly said but Sokka facepalmed "we're doomed" he said and Aang went up to the captain bringing out the copper pieces "how about one copper piece!" Aang shows "No" the captain glared "ok two copper pieces!" he shows two pf them "it's not as amusing as you may think" the captain said "uh Aang we should get out of here, these guys are giving me the creeps" Sokka said "I will be casting off now" Aang said to the captain using his pirate accent.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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