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Also don't mind the titles I suck at those🫠

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Also don't mind the titles I suck at those🫠

Y'all gonna get tired of me charging this😭!! I think this the last time.


Kehlani walked into the bullpen with her daughter on her hip. The school was close for Mardi Gras and she couldn't find a babysitter on time.

She walked her way up to Aaron office and knocked. She waited for the "come in" before opening the door and walking in.

"Hey Hotch. I just wanted to let you know I'm going to have Imani with me today. The daycare is closed and I couldn't find a babysitter in time to watch her." Kehlani rambles. "I promise I'll try and keep her as quesito as possible.

"Lani is alright. It's not problem, you know I don't care if Imani comes."

At the voice of Hotch, Imani perches up. You laughed as she reached out for Hotch. You walked over and handed her to him.

Hotch was her number one person, besides Derek and Spencer. Ever since Derek resigned to be with savannah and to keep her safe Kehlani visited them from time to time.

"Hi little Mani." He says tickling her side. She squeals before she leans her head back and laugh. Hotch smiled at the little girl.

She look at Hotch before placing both of hands on face and looked him straight in the eyes. She leaned toward and places a wet kiss on his cheek.

Kehlani smiled at the two. She was happy she chose right for her godfather. Hotch laughed as he blew raspberry of the Imani chubby neck.

"Alright you have to go back to mommy. I have to finish my work." Hotch says handing Imani back to Kehlani.

Imani whines and clings onto Hotch suit. He laughs as Kehlani rolls her eyes playfully.

"I'll keep her until she gets fussy." He says placing her in his lap. "Okay, she has toys and snacks and if that doesn't work then I guess she's hungry."

Kehlani leans over and gives Imani a few kisses before walking out the office. She walked over to her desk and places her bag on the floor. She sits and grabs her files that started to pile after having Imani.

She sighed before grabbing the first one and started working.

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