
139 8 8

1-Permanently follow this account.

2-Give shout out of this book on your message board.

3-Add this book to your private library as well as public reading list both.

4-Your book should have atleast 5 chapters (excluding Prologue and character description and sketches)

5-Short story Should have atleast 5 Chapters and (OS /Two shots are not allowed)

6-Follow your judges when it will announce.

7-Don't try to bribe the judge. If found you will be disqualified.

8- if you are enrolling your book in this Award contest then you can't be judge

9 - One writer can enroll his/her only 1 book

10-Mature books are accepted but not LGBTQ

11- Your book must be in English or Hinglish.

Please don't try to bully or bash any fellow participants, judge or me. Or else I have to report your account.


1-Permanently follow this account.

2-Give shout out of this book on your message board.

3-Add this book to your private library as well as public reading list both.

4-No harsh words.

5-Honest review

This is my first time hosting contest, so kindly both judges and participants be cooperative with me and keep patience.

A Judge cannot enroll his/her book in this Award contest

SwaSan Award 2022 (Closed)Where stories live. Discover now