Bora's mess of a confession (But Yoohyeon wouldn't have it any other way)

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Her eyes lingered upon the soft illuminating lights across the street, the seat in her balcony feeling warm despite the cold weather. It was no surprise that the whole neighborhood had their Christmas lights on despite it being November, including Yoohyeon.

Yet, her house looked much more alluring than any other house. Even her best friend's house didn't shine as much as her's did. Bora wondered how to be friends with her. Or, well, confess to her.

How to be friends with her smiley, clumsy, clutz, cute, surprisingly hot, and beautiful neighbor. She was aware of her brash personality. Physical affection was something she was very keen on. Very. However, she didn't want to scare the woman away and ruin any chances.

She put her hand under her chin, thoughtful as she watched the Christmas lights turn red, green, and white. It was beautiful, mesmerizing, relaxing, but all Bora could think about was a way to attract the younger girl.

She had a couple scenarios in mind.

Scenario 1:

Walk up to her house, right now, ring the doorbell and shout out "I like you! Will you go out with me?"

Although this did fit her personality much more, Yoohyeon made her shy. So shy, she could barely stand in the same room as her without blushing and becoming a Debby Ryan mess; doing the signature hair behind ear every time she looked at Yoohyeon.

Gahyeon, who had been Bora's young yet brat of a best friend, would laugh at her afterwards and tell her how awkward she was.

"What the hell was that move?? What are you doing? You're down bad, Eonnie, like real bad. You walked up to me and dragged me to be your unfortunate friend and you can't even look in her damn eyes?" Gahyeon would yell, her voice pitched at a higher volume regardless of the situation, only to continue with the 'mother-liest' voice, "I'm disappointed in you, Bora."

Bora would be afraid at time like those, although she did try hyping herself up and saying the girl is literally 3 years younger.

Funny how when you look at Yoohyeon and Bora, you see Bora as the hyper, manlier one. And Yoohyeon as the chill, bookworm, girl-ier one. Yet, when standing next to each other, the roles reverse... completely.

Bora becomes a blushing mess and Yoohyeon becomes the flirty one aware of the blushy mess she created.

Anyways, to get on with the non-existent "story"...

Scenario 2:

Bora looks away and moves on.

Now, this! This is the impossible scenario. The backup plan that you know will make everything a jumbled mess that fails the mission.

Suddenly, Gahyeon walks up to the screen, staring into the author's eyes, ominous and in the loudest voice-

"Oh my fucking God, just get to the next scenario already! Everyone hates this, you absolute dumbass."

Yea- ok- NEXT UP!

Scenario 3:

She waits till tomorrow, spending the night to bake cookies and walk up to her front door. She, then, rings the bell and leaves the cookies on the porch of her door. She makes sure to put a letter on there to highlight her message, her name written with a big font and bold letters to ensure it's from Bora. Yoohyeon, finally, opens the letter after eating the cookies since: cookies are better than everything else. She also has feelings for Bora! Yay!

Then, Gahyeon joins in and so does Siyeon and they all celebrate. Then Siyeon and Gahyeon invite Handong, Yubin, and Minji. They all celebrate together, Handong confesses to Yubin and yippie! Everyone's happy!

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