Things you made me feel

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You made me feel good, until you didn't.

You made me feel worthy, until you didn't.

You made me feel

You know what, I don't know what you made me feel.

I don't know how I felt, how I believed any of what you said, how you pulled the wool over my eyes so thoroughly and played me like the dusty keyboard that sits in your front room.

The words you said were often calculated daggers and even when they weren't, they still had the right formula to pierce where you needed them to.

Never showed your workings out, never showed how you came to the answer.

That should have been the biggest red flag, but the wool sat snugly over my eyes and cast a rose hue over it all.

Red flags just look like flags when you're wearing rose-tinted glasses.

When it was me, it was me.

I was so sure it was me.

Was it me?

It's so easy to blame yourself for the shortcomings of others.

Maybe that's why it was me.

I was an easy target.

Low self-esteem, low self-worth, walls up but they were made of glass so thin they were easy to shatter with pretty words spoken at the right frequency.

So frequent that you made me feel.

I felt again.

And now I don't want to feel anymore in case I feel this again.

Don't break your rules for someone that is going to break you in the end.

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