Wedding drama all around

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"So I nominate that James wears his motorcycle onesie, with the cute jeans." Ellie said watching me do my makeup.

"Or how about the Batman one? with the same jeans" Kenny piped up

"Well maybe we can put him in the batman one for now, and at the wedding he can wear the motorcycle one." I answered, watching both kids smile

"When is dad coming home?" Ellie asked

"Well Uncle Jax and the rest of the guys are coming back and then I think they have to take care of some business so maybe this afternoon."

"In time for the wedding." Ellie said excitedly

"I would hope. If not I will be forced to marry myself, and thats no fun." I laughed, "Now what should we eat for breakfast?"

"Cake!" Kenny yelled

"Ok pancakes it is." I said smiling as I picked a now crying James out of his crib.

He was perfect, I couldn't be prouder that I had this perfect little boy, who only cried once and a while and having big hazel eyes like his daddy. I didn't see much of myself in him but I was ok with that. I held him while helping Ellie and Kenny make pancakes until Piney walked in, "Want some help princess?"

"I mean if you want to take your grandson for a bit, you can." Handing my bundle of joy to him, as Kenny started flipping the pancakes off the griddle, while Ellie buttered them. I could believe that soon this would all be mine

."So who walking you down the bike aslie?" Piney asked

"Well I figured you would ya old coot."

"What about Clay?"

"He'll deal." I snapped before calmly going, "I mean I can just ask Juice to hold James."

"Well I don't know when they will be back but I'm sure Juice would love some baby time."

"Grandpa, you want some pancakes?" Ellie asked, shoving a plate in front of him and her sleeping brother.

"I swear Pops, he sleeps more then anyone I know." placing him in a pack in play to sleep his heart away.

After breakfast and the kids convincing Piney to watch hours of cartoon, the man of the hour walked in, a gleam in his eye as he pulled a beer out of the fridge. James was nested in my arms,drinking from his bottle, while I sat with a beer in front of me.

"So, we are really doing this?" Opie asked sitting next to me

"Like I said this morning, I'm in it for the long haul." I smiled as he kissed me, then whispered, "Mrs. Winston."

"I have to go to the reservation, wanna take the alien?" I asked handing James over.

"I'll see you soon lovie."

"I'll see you soon Babe. E, wanna go with me?"

"Sure G!" She excitedly screamed, jumping from the couch and pulling her shoes on.

"Well grab your dress, and You four," I pointed my finger between Piney, Kenny, and Opie, "Be ready soon, I Dos in three."

"Ready!" Ellie said running to the car as I leaned down and kissed the top of our son's head.I pulled up to the reservation to find some bikes already packed outside, I assumed they all were sitting in the trailer of Unser's truck that I rented to use as a dressing room for the Winston and Teller/ Knowles family. As I approached the door I heard the undeniable voice of my father, "So you all understand the plan correct?"

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