Disturbing Behavior part 2

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All four vampires are all in Gloria's bar

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All four vampires are all in Gloria's bar. Amber has just appeared and is now talking with her siblings. "I would say it's nice you again but then I'd be lying." Amber stated.

"Feelings mutual."

"Still trying to make hybrids Nik, don't you think that's getting old." Amber asked,

Klaus sighed, "What I do with my hybrids is no one's business but my own."

Amber: Wow, still the same Klaus like you were when I left.  I'm just here to make sure you don't hurt anyone especially to make sure Rebekah doesn't get daggered like the rest of our family.

(amber looks over at Rebekah)

Amber: Nice to see your back with us, Bekah.

Rebekah: Unlike you, I didn't abandon this family.

Amber: First of all, I never abandoned this family. I left because I wanted to start living my own life.

Rebekah: and you didn't think that I don't want too either?!

Amber: Well, I don't know because you've been daggered for 90 years.

Klaus: You interrupted my plans, so what are we gonna do with you now.

(Klaus pulls out a dagger. She sees him pulling out the dagger.)

"Yeah, I don't think so. Ad Somnum." She snaps everyone's necks and vamp speeds her and Stefan out of the bar.

Stefan: What are you doing?

Amber: getting you out of there trust me it's for the best.

Stefan: I told you I had a plan but you just couldn't leave well enough alone.

Amber: Stefan...

Stefan: No, just leave me alone and let me just follow along with my plan.

Stefan leaves. and Amber says to herself sarcastically , "What have I done?" and smirks then walks back into the bar.

Amber is shown back into the bar, where her siblings still are and they getting up. It looks like they themselves had a plan all along.

Mystic Falls— Lockwood Mansion

[The lawns of the mansion are filled with people sitting at tables at the party. Elena and Caroline are sitting apart from the party on a bench. Bonnie joins them with her grimoire.]

Bonnie: It's going to take a while, so tell me if anyone's coming, okay? (Caroline looks at Elena)

Caroline: So you're not like, switching Salvatore's, are you?

Elena: What?

Bonnie: Caroline...

Caroline: Stay focused.

[she looks back at Elena]

Caroline: As your friend who worries for you daily, what is the deal with you and Damon?

Elena: There is no deal. He's been just as focused on finding Stefan as I have.

Caroline: Yeah, but that doesn't make him any less Damon. If my own father, who I love dearly, can't change me. No one's changing Damon. Not even you.

Elena: Look, why are we even talking about this?

Bonnie: Hey guys. [the necklace pendant is levitating and rising slowly in the air.]

Caroline: What are you doing?

Bonnie: I'm not doing anything. It has its own magic.

(Caroline and Bonnie look at Elena.)


Stefan walked inside the storage unit, he stops in front of one of the coffins, curious to know who is inside. Stefan's hand lays on the bottom of the coffin getting ready to open it, when a voice interrupts him from doing so, "It's rude to touch something that isn't yours." Amber said to him.

Stefan immediately looked up to see Amber leaning on a railing with her arms crossed against her chest. "Nik and Rebekah went to go check on Gloria after, you know..." Amber eyed the coffin Stefan was about to open, "Dreary isn't it? The family cargo."

"Why don't you undagger them?" Stefan asked curious to know more.

"Because he would hunt me down and kill me." Amber shrugged like it wasn't a big deal. "He's a vindictive little bastard, my brother."

Stefan raised an eyebrow, "But you still care about him. Why?"

"I can't hate someone I love, hating him is exhausting. In the long haul, he's still my brother." Amber made her way to the coffin and sat down on it.

"You know, when I met you three, you guys were on the run." Stefan recalled

"That was also exhausting." Amber commented as she looked straight ahead.

"Who were you running from?" Stefan asked. Amber's eyes gazed finally landed on Stefan as she narrowed her eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"Last night I saw you, there was a man looking for you. You all seemed afraid". Stefan paused for a second before continuing, "I just-I wouldn't think Klaus would be afraid of anybody."

"No one in this world is truly fearless, Stefan." Amber said, "Not even Niklaus."

Stefan ignored her, "Who was that man?"

Amber immediately got up knowing what-who Stefan was talking about. "I can't, please." She said looking away from Stefan, "If Nik knew we were talking about this, he would..."

Stefan noticed the change of attitude Amber was showing once again not wanting to show her true emotions which is getting to Stefan. He wanted to know the real her, the one who doesn't shut people out. and the one with humanity.

"Just forget I asked, okay?"

"He told me about the girl you loved. The one that died. He also told me that you're only with him because he saved your brother." Amber commented.

"It's true."

"I think he secretly admires that about you. You'd sacrifice anything for family. Don't tell him I told you that."

"Your secret is safe with me." Stefan responded, he walks closer towards her and he kisses her. She pulls away.

"Do you think you'll love anyone like the way you loved that girl?" Amber asked him, as she stared at the coffins.

"One day, maybe." Stefan answered back as he got up.

"I can always tell when you're lying, Stefan."

"What? I'm not...." Stefan responded confused.

"Don't bother. Your kiss already gave you away."  Klaus walks inside the storage unit, Rebekah is trailing behind him. By the looks of Klaus' face, Amber knew something was wrong. "Gloria's gone. She cleared out. We need to find a new witch immediately."

Once both siblings entered, Amber moved away from Stefan. Klaus looked at the pair who hadn't moved.

"What's going on?"

Stefan noticed the flash of forgiveness crossing in her brown eyes but it was quickly as she looked at her siblings. "Something is wrong. He was asking about Mikael. He's not with us, Nik. I can sense it."

Stefan's gaze was torn away so he could look at Klaus, "She's wrong, Klaus."

Klaus rushed over to Stefan and snapped his neck with ease, as Amber looked at his unconscious body on the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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