A Strange Dream

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Like a hunted animal, I turned to look behind me many times but I could see no one. Yet, I knew something, someone was following me. I was scared and horrified at who was following me and raced back to the school camp like a scared kiwi.Camp Amethyst was a camp that my parents took me to when I was 7,I made a lot of friends there and it was where I first met Wangi du sari, a boyish girl who knew how to learn how to climb a tree and also, this is where I first learnt about Volcanoes and how a Volcano can erupt .

I knew that I that I wasn't going to make it in time because there is always an oak tree before the school camp that was a sign that told you how far you were to camp so I saw that the oak tree was very far from me, I turned left and looked at Mount Kilimanjaro which was at Tanzania,at the borders of Kenya and realised that the Mounting was erupting and it was vomiting out larva , I knew that I wasn't going to make it in time so I climbed upon a big and heavy rock, took a deep breath and shouted with all my voice, strength and might:


Everyone panicked while the coaches and organizers figured out what to do, I was then swept away by an orange flood.

I opened my eyes and saw a large playing ground around me and I felt curious and my fingers felt like jelly to me and my body was stiff,I managed to move my body,I stood up and started walking wanting to know more and explore this strange place.I bumped into something heard voices calling out to me, I looked down and saw two strange and short figures that wore a green suit that was torn but was patched in places and their ears were long and very curved like a letter "C".

I stared at them and they curiously stared at me back:

" Hey! don't you know it is bad to be staring at people?" one of the strange short beings snarled at me.

"Oh! sorry,My name is Brooklyn and you are? I asked the being that snarled at me.

" My name is Elzando, I am a girl and This is Elfando, my younger brother and we are elves," Elzando replied to me.

"I am a human and I like to read and sleep where am I?".I queried

"Well you are in wonderland where we dwarves play all day". Elfando replied to me.

"But I need to get back to school in order to escape the volcano and to get to the school in order to escape the volcano's lava" I told them and started to panic.

"Stay with us for a little longer and I'm sure you'll love it here" Elzando replied to me with a grin on his face".

I agreed with them because they seemed like such nice beings and soon we were going through the twisted lane and cornered houses of the amazing place named wonderland. I looked and stared at all the ferris wheels at all of the inspiring amusement parks. We went to a ferris wheel at one of the amusement parks called "STAY AS LONG AS YOU WANT AND REACH THE SKY",as we got inside the park, Elfando and Elzando dragged me to the ferris wheel,we entered the ferris wheel and soon the ferris wheel started to move started to move slowly at first but it started to move fast and I felt dizzy. The ferris wheel stopped when we had reached the clouds and I curiously looked down to see how far from the ground we were when we had reached the sky and I wished I hadn't looked down because I felt like vomiting when I had looked up from the clouds down to earth.

I asked Elfando why they had to stop the ferris wheel when we reached the clouds she told me that it is what they must do because that is what the name of the park says so they have to do what the name said.I understood what she meant,when the ferris wheel ride had ended, Immediately I got down and I wanted to go home but Elfando and Elzando stopped me and they stood in the way,I tried to stop them from getting in my way, but they suddenly turned into big Jaguars that had fangs I turned back and started to call for help and soon as I started to scream for help everyone in Wonderland also turned into Jaguars and soon everyone turned into Jaguars and I was the only one left all the animals soon started to turn towards me and started to come closer towards me.

I knew that I had to act fast or else I would become nothing but Jaguar's food, I stepped back and started to run as fast as my legs could carry me and all the jaguars were chasing me.I searched into my pocket and I found some piece of meat that I wanted to give to my cousins when I usually visit them and the meat was still fresh, I threw it at the Jaguars that were chasing me and they all stopped and started to drag the meat but Elzando and Elfando were still chasing me I was so scared and ran out of energy that I started to slow down and The Jaguars caught up to me and I fell into a rabbit hole and down I went I wondered when I would stop falling and reach the earth and I reached the ground I dusted myself up and looked around the hole and I noticed that there were pictures of a rabbit and 50 Jaguars all over the wall,I turned left and saw a rabbit sadly sighing and sitting down on an old and rough rocking chair.

I came forward and asked the rabbit what the problem was:

"Hello there, my name is Brooklyn and what is the matter" I asked.

"My name is Walter, and I am sad because I lost my 50 Jaguars," Walter sadly replied to me.

I remember that before I fell into this hole, 50 Jaguars were chasing me:

" Walter,I know where your 50 Jaguars are" I excitedly told Walter

" Oh really ,you do?" Walter's face lit up excitedly.

I told walter where his Jaguars were and with a little bit of my help he was able to get his Jaguars back.Walter thank me profusely and asked me what I had ever wanted, I wanted to get back home,he agreed and with the words"Abracadabra kimsalabim may this maiden go back home" within an Instant I saw myself on my bed and the rooster cocked cok-a do-do-do.

I sat on the kitchen while sipping coffee and wondered,

It was a dream or was it?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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