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Richard 'Sap' Vitale, a Doberman Pinscher trash-talking power forward that became a basketball talent agent, sat across from Frankie Dudley in Casanova's. Richard sips from a glass of red wine.

"Ah, Miss Dudley, how are you?" Richard asks.

Frankie Dudley, a yellow and green bunny anime girl in a black business skirt, says, "I'm thinking about starting a women's basketball team."

Richard says, "I'm starting The Del Perro Dribblers. I call them Dick's Dribblers. You should invest in them. Women's basketball sucks. Women are bad at basketball."

"How about a bet?" Frankie asks.

Richard says, "You know me, I'm a betting man."

Frankie says, "I bet I can beat you at basketball."

Richard says, "You oughta like this, since you think you're so great and all. Let's keep it simple. Your women's basketball team versus mine. If my team wins, you've got to hold a press conference where you announce I'm a better GM than you and women's basketball sucks. And you gotta wear a T-shirt with my face on it."

"And if you lose?" Frankie questions as she nods.

Richard says, "Since it's never going to happen, I'll let you choose."

Frankie says, "You have to admit that women can be good at basketball and you have to wear pink for a week."

"Anything else?" Richard asks sarcastically.

Frankie says, "And you have to quit your team."

Richard grins, he rolls his eyes then asks sarcastically, "Anything else?~"

"Meet me in a few weeks," Frankie says.

Richard cockily adds, "And if you by some miracle beat me, I'll give you a foot massage and kiss your ass. I'll let you pick the lipstick."

Richard sits up and goes to shake Frankie's paw, Frankie Dudley shakes his paw.

Richard realized that to beat Frankie's basketball team, he'd need to actually learn how to play basketball again. But why do that when you can sap experience and talent from the greatest basketball coaches and players.

Frankie Dudley is thinking about practicing basketball.

Throughout the weeks in Maze Bank Arena...

'Magic' Derrick Nasty and 'Lady Magic' Topsy Turvy were famous at University of Aster City for their sleight of hand passes and circus trick shots. Derrick made four billion dollars doing magic tricks that allowed them to own The Aster City Ball Hogs. Derrick handled the basketball decisions for the team, while Topsy handled the business side of the Ball Hogs. Coach Ham was hired as the head coach of The Aster City Ball Hogs.

Richard shook hands with the staff of The Aster City Ball Hogs, his eyes glowed cyan as he absorbed their experience. Richard shook hands with the best players of The Aster City Ball Hogs such as Wart Chamberlain, BBQ Shaq, 'Baked Beans' Bryant, and LeBoar James. Richard's eyes glowed cyan as he absorbed their physical abilities.

Richard realized that he should improve his aim too so he shook hands with the best three-point shooters of The San Andreas Warriors.

Richard shook hands with Minotaur Jordan. Richard's eyes glowed cyan, as he absorbed his dunking talent. Richard shook paws with Dennis Deville, a six foot and seven inches tall, two hundred and twenty pound, cheetah. Richard's eyes glowed cyan as he absorbed his speed and rebounding talent.

Richard shook paws with Charles Barker, a six foot and four inches tall, two hundred and fifty pound, Tibetan mountain dog with brown fur. Richard's eyes glowed cyan as he absorbed his rebounding talent.

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