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- father Kermit senpai uwu 🥺Tw F slur

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- father Kermit senpai uwu 🥺
Tw F slur

I could hear the voices of other nuns in a panic, I assumed he was the reason. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" I screamed as the kid came crashing into me, knocking me off my feet and forcing my juicy ass cheeks to aggressively clash across the cold tile floor.

The kid, without a word, stood up and looked at me before smirking and speeding off into the halls of the church. I clutch the rosary around my neck with a worried expression painted upon my perfect pale white skin (that...not to brag..but has a natural glow.)

"holy mary mother of god, holy mary mother of god, holy mother, Mary, of god-" I begin to pray... I hear the footsteps of the other nuns running up to me. I feel a hand on my shoulder

"Y/N! Are you ok!?" I hear Beffen ask, but everything sounds muffled for a bit. Suddenly, I'm met with a ringing sound, and then my orbs go back to focus, I look up and meet Beffen's gay orbs and all my emotions just fall and my orbs leak perfect little stars from the depths of my heart.

"Uh Y...Y/N.." Beffen says hugging me like the gay king he is.

"Y/N why don't we go talk in the choir room for a little" as he said that he grabbed my hand and pulled me off of the cold, damp floor. I rub my orbs to rid my perfect pearls of my salty waterworks

"Be-beffen-" I say, pausing to sniffle before continuing.

"I...I'll b-be fi-fine I-I p-promise," I say blinking my diamond blue glass orbs which had glossed over with tears again, now it was giving them a fragile porcelain appearance.

"Y/N I'm your friend...please let me help," he says, holding my hand tight, yet also quite gentle. I nod and he pulls me to the choir room.

We walked down the narrow halls, the fearful cries of all the nuns echoing through the halls, they were trying to find the troublemaker, I could tell because my empath senses were going off, like Beffen at a strip club.

We walked past the men's, one-person bathroom and I heard something. I stop walking to attempt and make out what the voices are saying: "It's so big dude" a deep gruff voice speaks, one I recall belonged to a choir boy.

"Thank you but if you bend down you can get a better look" an effeminate voice replied, though I recognized it as a male's set of vocals. I quickly follow Beffen not wanting to hear the end or what they could be talking about. Instinctively I signed the cross, weary of whatever scandalous deed these boys may be committing. We need to isolate Beffen from the youths, he's infecting them.

I take in the sweet scent that holds this part of the church by the neck. It smelled like a bomb of serein flowers exploded, not only that but there was a faint scent of cigarettes floating around, just being masked by the flowers. I take it all in knowing that this place is what Beffen built it to be. Before Beffen, this was run down and people just saw it as a dump that has no meaning, but Beffen with all his gayness saw beauty in this place and made it into a safe haven for all. Have I ever been here? I knew that Beffen made it, but I don't recall ever going back here myself. He brings me into a big, open room with all kinds of musical instruments scattered around the layout of the space.

𝘏𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘢 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘱𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳 𝘣𝘺 𝘚𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘢𝘺; 𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘒𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘪𝘵 𝘹Where stories live. Discover now