pow pow

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Kevin POV

I was driving behind a train, that had come from out of the ghetto trying to get ms.Mendel off. I wasn't comfortable with her riding that damn raggedy bus. I was on the phone with her and she was being so stubborn.
That's when everything happen so fast. A big truck came out of nowhere and smashed into the side of the bus and somewhere I heard a gunshot. I jumped out my car and ran to the bus. I helped everyone off that I could. But I didn't see her. Thats when I notice a big hole in window and I saw her body lying slumped in the road. I ran as fast as I could to her side. I saw a big trail of blood leaving from her stomach under her right breast.
"Ohh god noooo plzzzzz let this women be okay" I pray out loud as an ambulance pulls up and load her unto a skretcher. I follows them all the way to the hospital.
I jump out my car and I run in after the paramedics.
"Sir you're not allowed no further through these doors" a short nurse said.
"I need to know if she's okay" I pant
"I will let you know as soon as possible but for right now I need you to fill out this paperwork on your wife."
"She is not my wife I only just hired her on yesterday."
"Well if she's your employee then you should at least know her name and date of birth."
A orange head wide eyed girl runs and go to the desk.
"Where is she, I need to know if she's okay"
"Who are you looking for ma'am"
"They just brought her in her name is latahia Mendel."
I jumped and went to her.
"Are you friend of latahia?" I asked the lady
"Yess, now can someone tell me what goddamn room she's in?"
"She's going into immediate surgery. That's all I know I'll tell you the rest when they notify me"
The orange head nodded and looked me directly in the eye
"Who the hell are you?"
"I'm her boss, Mr.novera but you can call me Kevin"
We shooked hands and I gave her latahia paperwork to fill out. Surprisingly she knew just about everything about her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2015 ⏰

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