Ch.1 Hot Damn, That Mysterious Man !

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 I turn the street corner; don’t want to be late for work. Not paying attention I bump into something.

  “Oh sorry.” I say once I realize it’s a “someone” instead of a “something”. I just stare, dazed from his presence. I don’t know why.

 “It’s ok” he responds with a smile.

 After a couple of blinks, reality hit me, work! I nod and continue my walk to work.  I enter the hospital and take the elevator up to the fifth floor, where my office is located. As I enter my office and sit down, I still stop and think of my earlier encounter .It isn’t because of how unbelievably handsome he was, but how unreal he looked. Even though it was a quick glance, it was still shocking. His smile was polite and his movement was swift and graceful. Remembering the incident also frustrates me in away, not knowing who he was. I just shake my head to shake it off. What is done is done.

  My day is slow, so I head home early. It is only 7:30 pm, not dark yet. Never too late in the city that never sleeps. The streets are still busy and building lights are still on. As I start to walk up to the corner from earlier, part of me can’t help but hope that man is still there. I take a deep breath as I turn the corner, this time with a smile on my face. No one is there but a homeless man asking for money. I sigh and give him a 5 dollar bill.

“T-thanks” he stutters in a weak voice from the winter air. He curls up in a cardboard box and a blue worn out blanket. I just watch, he holds the money close and pulls a grey scarf over his mouth and nose.

 “You’re welcome” I say, whispering as he sleeps so I don’t wake him. I take a deep breath, disappointed. See the old man makes my heart ache in sorrow for him. Yet, I feel like an idiot expecting someone else. Someone I don’t even know.  Why is this bothering me so much?

 I need to relax, if not, I’ll never let this go. I stare at the pavement and walk into a quiet bar. Not many females riding solo come into this place, so eyes are on me as the waitress sits me at a booth. I take off my coat revealing my scrubs. This was not planned so I did not change.

 “Can I get you anything?” asks the waitress with a sleepy look on her face.

 “Rum and coke please” I respond without a second thought. She nods and walks away, with her red and yellow ponytail swinging side to side.

 I look out the window to collect my thoughts. Ha! I laugh out loud to myself. What thoughts? There is nothing to think about. I roll my eyes and focus on the music playing in the speakers. This Woman’s Works by Maxwell was playing low, relaxing everyone in the room.

  “Here you go”, says the waitress as she sets my drink down.

 “Thank you. That will be all. May I have the bill?” I ask her as I stir and poke the ice cubes gently with my finger tips.

She smiles and says “of course” then walks away.

The streets quiet down as everyone starts arriving home. Wind whistles low against the window. I sip my drink as the song continues to play. My mind wanders about work, life, and family until the waitress returned with the bill.

“Here, I will pay now” I tell her before she turns away and search in my bag for cash. I can’t find it. Oh wait, I gave my last 5 dollar bill to the homeless man.

“I m sorry, I forgot my money.”  I tell the waitress. She slowly starts looking annoyed, as if she has heard this story before.

I look at her apologetically and ask, “can you put it on my ta--“

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