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"flicker, flicker, fade
destroy what you create
and wonder why it always ends the same
you wonder why it always ends the same."

finneys pov

i couldn't help but to feel a pang of anger— or perhaps grief, sadness even?— each time my untied converse hit the sodden pavement, plastered with dampened leaves, all but a few turned a murky brown colour as the season changes.

i considered going home, however this thought is immediately pushed away as i reminisce on what may happen if i chose that option, and instead opt for going to the one place i knew to be safe— the skatepark.

i opted to keep my focus on the ground, for if i looked up i may have gotten a raindrop in my eye. ( if sum1 got this ily)

by the time the familiar grounds of the area came into view, i noticed i was shivering, now wishing i had managed to locate a coat in my haste to leave.

ultimately, i decided it would be best if i didn't actually skate, and instead just find somewhere half-ass dry to sit and conclude my own personal feelings.

my body shudders as a raindrop lands on my arm, causing me to hasten my search for a tree.

as i began to sit down, i notice something to be off about my skateboard, turning it over, my gaze gets slightly hazy as my eyes lock in place on the R + F carved into the board, bringing back unwanted(?) memories from all those years ago.

i lean my head back, warm tears spilling out of my eyes.

robins pov

throwing a jacket on, i hastily walk out into the street, my eyes darting around wildly, hoping to find the boy i longed for in the past years.

my footsteps thudding against the damp pavement, i ponder on where exactly finn could have gone.

for a moment i consider going to his house, however i quickly rule this out and instead go to the one place i thought to be safe— the skatepark.

although i was unsure whether or not i was crying or if rain was splashing my face, i felt pangs of sadness as the park came into view, my eyes now shifting around anxiously in search of finn.

and as i catch sight of a familiar head of hair, i stop abruptly, unable to unroot my feet from their place on the ground.

the rain was pouring harder, my hair plastered to my head at this point, my head pounding.

finneys pov

i look up amidst my sobbing, eyes widening as i recognize robin in the blur of rain, hair plastered to his face, his feet rooted to the ground where he stood 7 feet away from me.

my breath hitches in my throat, a mixture of emotions coursing through my veins. (grief, sadness, anger, guilt, longing,)

my actions that follow were mainly subconsciously done as i proceeded to stand up,
hastily wiping the tears from my eyes as i slowly walk towards robin, our eyes glossed over with emotion.

3rd person pov

robin and finn stand in the rain, both holding the others gaze, eyes glazed with a mix of emotions, both unsure of what to say.

at this point, they were less than a foot apart, their breath hitching as they both gaze into the others eyes, unsure of what to say, still getting pelted by the ice cold rain.

however, no amount of rain blurring their vision could excuse what they silently agreed to do, something they had both longed for since they met 3 years ago.

forgetting about the pelting rain as well as the shivers it brought to those who it came in contact with, the two boys stepped closer, grasping one another's face as they hastily lock their lips together, instantly feeling a surge of warmth throughout their bodies.




ok so originally i didnt plan for that to happen..
but uhh 😗 i mean atleasy they didnt start making out in the first chapter 😀😀

also srry its short, i figured since this is the second update today i wouldnt put alot of effort into it ahah
sorry if u guyd dont like where this is going, i never rlly planned ro make it this far 😀😀

anyways, bye!

hope u all r well!

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