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I wake up as usual to the ringing of the church bells, pinning my apron on to my shirt I head downstairs, Kizi is sat by the fire, she's been up all night sewing up our Hana's petticoats, we have church tomorrow and she can't stand us looking scratty. I take out a batch of dough I prepared last night and begin to knead it as I do Kizi hums a gentle song, as my bread bakes I turn to her,
"Say we had some money..." she begins.
"Kiz," I cut her off "we need nothing if we have each other."
"And me!" Hana chips in, she'd been practicing her sewing in the corner, quietly working away every day until her fingertips bleed.
"Of course," Kizi replies "I don't know what I was thinking."
She smiles- I love her smile it makes me smile.
The moment soon fades though as Mrs Dohan and Ella Rose come knocking for their bread and Kate Smith brings the flour from her fathers mill.

Sunday mornings, I wake up later on a Sunday- a day of rest they say, Kizi however is up as dawn cracks fussing over Hana and her clothes. I walk downstairs yawning, Kizi greets me with a cup of semi warm tea as she softly strokes my cheek I grin then kiss her forehead.
"Morning!" I say to Hana- who's already in a state as her hair is in knots and her dress is covered in patches, Kizi's been at it closing up the holes that remain from Hana climbing trees and sailing in the river.
"Hi" she replies her matted hair shielding the tear stains that run down her cheeks. After Hana has her hair brushed and braided and I've heated the bread for us we head off to church.

Vicar Jo stands at the altar welcoming us all and encouraging everyone to take their seats, he isn't stood alone though, The lord of Cavendar, the dukes uncle, sits perched on a throne-like chair next to Vicar Jo. I can't remember the last time he came to the village, but I've certainly never seen him here without The Duke, as strange as it was my mind soon flickered back to the front as the vicar begins the service.

Everything seemed a blur from then on. The Duke dead. No child heir. Twin brother. Separated at birth. Ken Brown.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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