Found -Chuck Steinberg

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Y/n's POV:
"I don't wanna go there" -Chuck

"Chuck stop being a scaredy cat and cmon!" -Stella

He shook his head no "nuh-uh"

"Fine, me and Stella will go. Y/n and Chuck, u guys stay here" -Ramón

"Woah woah woah why do i have to stay here with Chuck!?" -y/n

"Isn't he ur boyfriend?" -Ramón

"Yeah so?" -I said while putting my bracelet on a table near by

"So u should have a problem staying down here with him" -Ramón

"Fine but if I'm being honest here, u threw urself at Stella pretty fast" -I said while looking at suspiciously.

"I'm gonna hit yo-" -Ramón said before Stella grabbed his arm and pulled him into the elevator

"Don't do anything stupid and don't get caught!" -Stella

"Yeah yeah whatever" -y/n

Great, now I'm stuck here with Chuck. He's gonna say something stupid ass shi-
"Y/n?" -Chuck

I looked at him
"Huh?" -y/n

"Cmon, we gotta move from here, we can easily get caught!" -Chuck

"Oh yeah let's go" -y/n

Me and Chuck started to walk away from the elevator and after we were far away, I realized I forgot my bracelet
"Shit shit shit shit shit!" -y/n

"What?!" -Chuck

"I forgot my bracelet on a table near the elevator" -y/n

"Well ur gonna have to forget about that bracelet because we're not walking back, y/n" -Chuck

"Chuck just stay right here, I'll be right back. Do not move from here" -y/n

"Y/n no-" -Chuck said in a whisper yell

I had already walked away to go get my bracelet.

"U gotta be fucking kidding me" -Chuck mumbled to himself.

I got my bracelet and I walked back to where I left Chuck but he wasn't there. I looked around the hospital but he was nowhere to be found.

"Chuck?!" -I called out but no response.
I kept on calling his name but still, nothing.

"CHUCK!" -I said on the verge of tears.

But then, i heard him. I heard him say my name but it was muffled.
"Y/n!" -Chuck

Then the lights started to flicker red.

Shit we're in trouble.

I don't even care right now,to be honest. I just need to find chuck.
I looked everywhere for him but I couldn't find him.
"Chuck!!" -y/n

Tears started to run down my face so I slid down a wall and sat on the ground. I cried and cried until I heard chuck call out my name again.
"Y/N! WHERE ARE U?" -Chuck

I stood up and looked around to tell him what was near me
"CHUCK? I'm near the grey phone that's next to the staircase!" -y/n

Tears continued to come out my eyes.

Until I felt someone or something bump into me from behind.
I turned around and I saw Chuck, he looked terrified and scared. He had tears in his eyes. When he saw me, he looked relieved.
"Oh thank God, I found u!" -I said while pulling him into a hug and he hugged me back.

"I don't know where I went y/n, there's was no one there..absolutely no one but a scary and ugly ass pale fat lady" -Chuck said on the verge of tears

I rubbed his back "chuck, ur okay now. I'm so sorry for walking away from u. As long as I'm here, I'm not gonna let anyone or anyTHING take u away from me..I promise, Chuck" -y/n

He nodded and looked at me "okay..thank u...I'd probably be de-" he froze because he didn't even wanna say it and I didn't wanna hear it  "I probably wouldn't be here thank u and I don't say this enough and I think I should because I never know when one of us are gonna be gone so...I love u" -Chuck

I smiled a little and I pecked him on the lips
"I love u too, Chuck. And I don't stress that enough " -y/n
Idk how to feel abt this but I hope u like it 😪

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2022 ⏰

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