Skillet and Pigs

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Kristen's heart began to beat out of her chest. Her palms were sweating, and her breath was shallow. She was in her fiancé Mitch's office, and he had left his laptop open. On his laptop was an open message from someone named Becky. The memo said, "See you tonight Babe, miss you. Hugs and Kisses, Becky." What the hell is going on? Who is Becky, and why is she messaging her finance? She stood there like a frozen statue. Her air was caught short, and she couldn't move an inch. Her mind was racing, and tears were fighting their way out of her bright blue eyes, but she held them back. She heard the front door open and knew it was Mitch.

Kristen found what she needed from his office and placed everything back the way it was. After living with this man for five years, how well does she really know him? Something didn't sit well with Kristen, and she couldn't shake the feeling that her future was about to change.

Mitch yelled across the house, "Hey Babe, I'm home. What's for dinner?"

Kristen snapped out of her daydream and said, "Oh hey Mitch, sorry, I don't have anything ready for dinner. I started on our wedding collage and got caught up in putting this all together. If you want, we can grab some dinner from the Chinese restaurant."

"That's ok," Mitch said, "I have to go back to work tonight and catch up on some projects. I will grab something on the way there."

"Really? Kristen asked. "You're working late again? Is that necessary?"

"As a matter of fact, it is. I have a student coming in who needs extra help on her paper. She was absent with Covid for two weeks and is very behind. Plus, while I am there, I need to get the theater prepared and set up for our next play."

Mitch is a drama teacher at the local state college. It is not a big college, but it offered a career program he had a passion for. That is where Kristen and Mitch first met. Five years ago, Kristen was one of Mitch's students. It began as a flirtation—a sneaky liaison. The danger and excitement of getting the attention of such an older, sophisticated man was more than Kristen could handle.

Kristen also works at the college now. This semester was her first-year teaching college sociology classes. She loves working at the college, and the free time it allows her. Plus, she gets to see Mitch occasionally, which was a bonus when she first started. Now it seems he is so busy that she rarely sees him at work or home.

Although Kristen was not a drama major, she needed the elective and thought it would be an easy A class. So, she found herself in Mitch's drama class and became enamored with his mischievous grin, sandy-colored hair, and tan skin. He was not the best-looking guy, and she found herself thoroughly annoyed with his hair, his "bowl-cut oddly-shaped" hair. Regardless, she still couldn't get him off her mind. Every week she looked forward to her drama class. She had developed an enormous crush and intentionally dressed up every week like she was going out with her friends to the club. She wanted to impress him. Desperately. So short skirts and low plunging necklines it was. Soon, he couldn't keep his eyes off her. After all, college looked good on her.

When she was in high school, she did not get attention from guys. She was a bookworm who did not go out much. She was semi-sheltered and very inexperienced. Some might have called her naïve. When she began her college career, she came out of her shell. She made a lot of new friends. She even gained a best friend.

Carrie was her roommate her freshman year. Kristen was envious of Carrie's raven black hair and grey eyes that sparkled whenever she smiled. From that first day of orientation, the two were inseparable. Carrie was also in Mitch's drama class with Kristen. Carrie would never tell Kristen, but she thought Mitch was a sleazeball. Carrie had no respect for any college instructor who would date and later move in and eventually marry a student. Kristen was her dearest friend, and she would never do anything to risk losing that friendship. So, Carrie did what any best friend would do. She kept her mouth shut and supported her friend.

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