one night

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My breath came out in pants as the bass thrummed through my body; the man's warm body pressed against my back and his hands firmly placed on my hips. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back on his chest. I opened my eyes and pulled away; he grasped my hips and pulled me back. I smiled to myself and pulled away eliciting a growl that chased it way down my spine. I could still feel his heat on my back as I headed to the bathroom. I rolled my eyes, yea for  bodily functions. I want to play with him more; I smiled to myself as I finished and washed my hands. I turned and ran into a wall. Standing there was the man with long brown hair and chilling dark eyes burning through me. He moved toward me, his steps radiating the power and control he used. I took a step back letting out the breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding as he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into a bathroom stall. Swinging me around he planted me on the back of the toilet and lock the stall door

“Wha--” he covered my mouth with his, swallowing my words.

His hands moved down, lifting up my skirt. I gasped as I met the cold porcelain, his lips never stopping as he moved down across my neck to my shoulder.

“Wha--, we-- shouldn’t-- we are in public!” I finally gasped out.

He lifted his mouth to my ear. His breath warm caressed my ear as his lips teased the surface,

“Then tell me to stop.”

I squeezed my eyes shut. I couldn’t; he felt so good. Only a groan answered his question.

He let out a small chuckle as he moved back down to my shoulder slowly sliding my strap down and skittering kisses across my shoulder. I jerked and cried out as he sank his teeth into my shoulder. Quickly he released my shoulder and covered my mouth.

“Shh little one, you don't want us to get kicked out. Do you?” he whispered. I shook my head no.

“Good girl.” I shivered as he licked the sensitive patch of skin he created.

I grasped the edge of the porcelain and pushed my body against his. What the hell is wrong with me? This isn’t something I should be doing. Moving his hand from my mouth he grasped my chin and turned my head giving the other side of my neck the same treatment. I quickly covered my mouth muffling myself before he bit down. He let out a growl as he let go.

His eyes burned as he grabbed my hand and pinned it to the wall over my head.

“I didn’t say cover your mouth. I said shhh.” His breath warmed my mouth as he traced my bottom lip with the pad of his thumb.

I leaned forward keeping my eyes locked with his. I captured his thumb in my mouth and sucked for a moment before releasing it. He grasped my other hand and placed it beside the other one on the wall.

“Keep them here.” He growled and gave a firm push against my hands.

Grabbing my chin he tilted my head up and devoured my mouth. His hands slid down cressing my body before freeing my breast. I arched as his warm hands squeezed and pinched. I gasped in air as he dropped his mouth to one stiff peak. I bit my lip letting out a muffled groan as his tongue danced and teased before releasing it, allowing the air to play.

“Good girl.” he growled, “such a beautiful sound.”

His warm mouth suddenly latched to my other peak. My breath hitched as I bucked.

I felt his hand move away and let out a small whimper at the absence. A small chuckle escaped him as he ran his tongue up to my neck. My breath stopped when I felt something cold, thin pressed against my thigh. I jerked both hands away from the wall and grabbed his forearm. He froze and turned his head to face me.

one nightTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang