It's okay to cry (t.r.)

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A/N: Sorry you're a Gryffindor in this one.

Tom was never one to cry. But something inside him had broken. There he was. Crying in the arms of a Gryffindor. She held him while he cried, his face lost in her H/C hair, holding on to her as if it was the only thing keeping him grounded. Maybe it was. He really tried to listen to her soothing voice but between his sobs and his ear being covered by the soft fabric of her robes. He was scared she thought he was weak, afraid, or even worse, vulnerable. His breath was caught in his throat, he couldn't speak even if he tried. As much as she knew he needed to talk about it, she knew it was best to not push on the subject. The tears settled and Tom could catch his breath once again.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Y/N asked, running her hand through his dark curls.
"No." Tom's emotionless expression covered his face once again.
She nodded, once again holding him against her chest trying to be as light and gentle as possible. She didn't ask to talk anymore and just let him breathe. She ran her hands through his hair a few times more, something that calmed him. Her thoughts were clouded by the realization that this was the first time she had ever seen him cry, even after 5 years of being together. She loved him and knew he should be somewhere more comfortable but as much as she knew it would be better for him to fall asleep in his own bed, she also knew he felt safer in the chamber under the school with a giant basilisk, then he did in his own dormitory.

Comforting Harry Potter characters Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora