The Door To Nowhere

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There was a locked door in the boy's house. The key got lost was what his mother had told him when he asked what was behind the door.

"Where does that door go?" The little boy would ask his parents.


That was always the answer. And the little boy always wondered, how could a door lead nowhere? Behind every door was something. A room. Kitchen. Outside. Doors always lead somewhere. And yet there was a door in his house that lead nowhere.

So the boy imagined. Every time he passed the door, he would imagine what was behind the door.
Did the door lead to a secret room filled with more toys he could imagine?

Maybe behind the door was a pass to a magical world with dragons and mages and fairies.

Maybe his parents were hiding dragons behind the door and secretly raising them.

Maybe it was the door to a basement filled with books upon books.

Would the door lead to a magical pass to a fied filled with the most colorful flowers?

Maybe it lead to infinite darkness.

And on and on would the boy imagine. Years and years, he would pass the door and wonder what was behind it.
Then he left home, to study, to grow.

He had grown up when he came back home. Back to the house he grew up in. Back to door he grew up with. He was given the key to the door, found by his mother.

So he put the key in and turned it. With a dull click the door unlocked. Taking a breath, the boy placed his hand on the handle and finally opened the door.

The door creaked loudly as it opened and the boy finally saw what was behind the door.

Bricks. And cement. Just bricks.

The door had once led to the house next door until the house was broken down and built again. The door was just left there, completely closed by the wall of the house next door. The boy was told this a long time ago by his parents when he kept asking what was behind the door.

It felt mundane to the boy. The door that held so many worlds and so many thoughts from his childhood. Finally opened and discovered.

There was no hidden world.

No secret basement.

No fields of flowers.

No magical world.

Just a door that led nowhere.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2022 ⏰

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